Parkia biglobosa, a NTFP tree species commonly known as "néré" is particularly important in the diet of rural and urban populations in the Sudano-Sahelian zone. The seeds are processed into a highly nutritious sauce, called "soumbala", combined with cereal dishes. While néré is very popular, its ...
Pehou, C.A.K.
Djoudi, H.
Vinceti, B.
[Access to forest resources: women's rights to Parkia biglobosa in three villages in Central-West Burkina Faso]
Access to forest resources: women's rights to Parkia biglobosa in three villages in Central-West Burkina Faso
This paper first presents a clustering of women based on the characterization of their distinct access rights to néré. Secondly, the types of access rights are characterized also in spatial terms, based on the type of land use where the women harvesting is exercised.
Pehou, C.A.K.
Djoudi, H.
Vinceti, B.
[Access right to food tree species: the case of women access to nere (Parkia biglobosa) in Central-West Burkina Faso]
Access right to food tree species: the case of women access to nere (Parkia biglobosa) in Central-West Burkina Faso
Parkia biglobosa (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) is one of the most important and widespread trees in
agroforestry systems from Senegal to Uganda. The National Tree Seed Center (CNSF) of Burkina
Faso has developed a breeding and improvement program for this multipurpose tree. To better
conserve and promot...
Zerbo, G.B.
Millogo, D.
Lompo, D.
Ouédraogo, M.
Duminil, J.
Manica, M.
Vinceti, B.
[Management of Nere (Parkia biglobosa) in farmers’ fields in Burkina Faso (West Africa)]
Management of Nere (Parkia biglobosa) in farmers’ fields in Burkina Faso (West Africa)