Hunting of wildlife in Central Africa is largely considered to be unsustainable. Several studies indicate that most mammal species should already have disappeared from many Central African forests but markets continue to be supplied with bushmeat, with no sign of large scale extinction of the mos...
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Why do models fail to assess properly the sustainability of duiker (Cephalophus spp.) hunting in Central Africa?]
Why do models fail to assess properly the sustainability of duiker (Cephalophus spp.) hunting in Central Africa?
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
Emmons, L.
François, F.
Prosper, M.
Mathieu, B.
[Evidence for the local depletion of bay duiker Cephalophus dorsalis, within the Ipassa Man and Biosphere Reserve, north-east Gabon]
Evidence for the local depletion of bay duiker Cephalophus dorsalis, within the Ipassa Man and Biosphere Reserve, north-east Gabon
We suggest an ethno-biological approach to analyze the cultural and social drivers of hunting activities and assess sustainability in villages near Makokou, northeast Gabon, based on interviews with hunters, participatory mapping of hunting territories, and daily records of offtakes for 1 yr. Hun...
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Hunting for livelihood in North East Gabon: patterns, evolution and sustainability]
Hunting for livelihood in North East Gabon: patterns, evolution and sustainability
Les concessions forestières peuvent affecter la faune de facon directe ou indirecte. Toutefois, si la faune est prise en compte de manière appropriée dans les plans d'aménagement forestier, les concessions forestières peuvent constituer une opportunité pour la conservation, puisqu'elles peuvent j...
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Utilisation de l’approche paysage pour une meilleure intégration de la faune dans les plans d’aménagement forestier]
Utilisation de l’approche paysage pour une meilleure intégration de la faune dans les plans d’aménagement forestier
Multiple-use forest management is considered by many as a preferable alternative to single-use, generally timber-dominant, management models. In the Congo Basin rainforests, integration of timber and non-timber forest resources plays a key role in the subsistence and market economies of rural com...
Nasi, Robert
Billand, A.
Vliet, N. van
[Managing for timber and biodiversity in the Congo Basin]
Managing for timber and biodiversity in the Congo Basin
Sarti, F.M.
Adams, C.
Morsello, C.
Vliet, N. van
Schor, T.
Yagüe, B.
Tellez, L.
Quiceno-Mesa, M.P.
Cruz, D.
[Beyond protein intake: bushmeat as source of micronutrients in the Amazon]
Beyond protein intake: bushmeat as source of micronutrients in the Amazon
Vliet, N. van
Fa, J.E.
Nasi, Robert
[Managing hunting under uncertainty: from one-off ecological indicators to resilience approaches in assessing the sustainability of bushmeat hunting]
Managing hunting under uncertainty: from one-off ecological indicators to resilience approaches in assessing the sustainability of bushmeat hunting
Vliet, N. van
Quiceno-Mesa, M.P.
Cruz Antia, D.
Tellez, L.
Martins, C.
Haiden, E.
Ribeiro Oliveira, M.
Adams, C.
Morsello, C.
Valencia, L.
Bonnila, T.
Yagüe, B.
Nasi, Robert
[From fish and bushmeat to chicken nuggets: the nutrition transition in a continuum from rural to urban settings in the Colombian Amazon region]
From fish and bushmeat to chicken nuggets: the nutrition transition in a continuum from rural to urban settings in the Colombian Amazon region
Vliet, N. van
Quiceno, M.P.
Cruz, D.
Neves de Aquino, L.J.
Yagüe, B.
Schor, T.
Hernández, S.
Nasi, Robert
[Bushmeat networks link the forest to urban areas in the trifrontier region between Brazil, Colombia, and Peru]
Bushmeat networks link the forest to urban areas in the trifrontier region between Brazil, Colombia, and Peru
Vliet, N. van
Cruz, D.
Quiceno-Mesa, M.P.
Neves de Aquino, L.J.
Moreno, J.
Ribeiro, R.T.
Fa, J.E.
[Ride, shoot, and call: wildlife use among contemporary urban hunters in Três Fronteiras, Brazilian Amazon]
Ride, shoot, and call: wildlife use among contemporary urban hunters in Três Fronteiras, Brazilian Amazon