This book for the first time brings together a suite of effective methods as a guidance on how to deal with the needs of local communities and biodiversity in landscapes required by decision makers. The techniques provide conventional biophysical descriptions of the landscape and explicitly relat...
Sheil, Douglas
Puri, R.K.
Basuki, I.
Heist, M. van
Wan, M.
Liswanti, N.
Sardjono, M.A.
Samsoedin, I.
Sidiyasa, K.D.
Permana, E.
Angi, E.M.
Gatzweiler, F.
Johnson, B.
Wijaya, A.
[Explorando la biodiversidad, el medio ambiente y las perspectivas de los pobladores en areas boscosas: metodos para la valoracion multidisciplinaria del paisaje]
Explorando la biodiversidad, el medio ambiente y las perspectivas de los pobladores en areas boscosas: metodos para la valoracion multidisciplinaria del paisaje
A non-technical account in Indonesian of the development and application of methods to assess biodiversity with the involvement of local communities in the forests of Malinau East Kalimantan. The new methods are shown to offer many benefits over more conventional approaches.
Sheil, Douglas
Liswanti, N.
Wan, M.
Heist, M. van
Samsoedin, I.
Kartawinata, K.
Sardjono, M.A.
[Prioritas lokal dan keanekaragaman hayati dalam lansekap hutan: apa yang penting menurut masyarakat?]
Prioritas lokal dan keanekaragaman hayati dalam lansekap hutan: apa yang penting menurut masyarakat?
This document is intended for those interested in gathering natural resource information that reflects the needs of local communities. It describes a multidisciplinary survey developed with indigenous communities in the fores-rich landscapes of the Malinau watershed in East Kalimantan (Indonesian...
Sheil, Douglas
Puri, R.K.
Basuki, I.
Heist, M. van
Wan, M.
Liswanti, N.
Sardjono, M.A.
Samsoedin, I.
Sidiyasa, K.D.
Permana, E.
Angi, E.M.
Gatzweiler, F.
Johnson, B.
Wijaya, A.
[Mengeksplorasi keanekaragaman hayati, lingkungan dan pandangan masyarakat lokal mengenai berbagai lanskap hutan: metode-metode penilaian lanskap secara multidisipliner]
Mengeksplorasi keanekaragaman hayati, lingkungan dan pandangan masyarakat lokal mengenai berbagai lanskap hutan: metode-metode penilaian lanskap secara multidisipliner
This book for the first time brings together a suite of effective methods as a guidance on how to deal with the needs of local communities and biodiversity in landscapes required by decision makers. The techniques provide conventional biophysical descriptions of the landscape and explicitly relat...
Sheil, Douglas
Puri, R.K.
Basuki, I.
Heist, M. van
Wan, M.
Liswanti, N.
Sardjono, M.A.
Samsoedin, I.
Sidiyasa, K.D.
Permana, E.
Angi, E.M.
Gatzweiler, F.
Johnson, B.
Wijaya, A.
[A la découverte de la biodiversite, de l’environnement et des perspectives des populations locales dans les paysages forestiers: methodes pour une etude pluridisciplinaire du paysage]
A la découverte de la biodiversite, de l’environnement et des perspectives des populations locales dans les paysages forestiers: methodes pour une etude pluridisciplinaire du paysage
In order for local community views to be incorporated into new development initiatives, their perceptions need to be clearly understood and documented in a format that is readily accessible to planners and developers. The current study sought to develop a predictive understanding of how the Punan...
Cunliffe, R.N.
Lynam, T.J.P.
Sheil, Douglas
Wan, M.
Salim, A.
Basuki, I.
Priyadi, H.
[Developing a predictive understanding of landscape importance to the Punan-Pelancau of East Kalimantan, Borneo]
Developing a predictive understanding of landscape importance to the Punan-Pelancau of East Kalimantan, Borneo
Lynam, T.J.P.
Cunliffe, R.N.
Sheil, Douglas
Wan, M.
Salim, A.
Priyadi, H.
Basuki, I.
[Livelihoods, land types and the importance of ecosystem goods and services: developing a predictive understanding of landscape valuation by the Punan Pelancau people of East Kalimantan]
Livelihoods, land types and the importance of ecosystem goods and services: developing a predictive understanding of landscape valuation by the Punan Pelancau people of East Kalimantan
This document is intended for those interested in gathering natural resource information that reflects the needs of local communities. It describes a multidisciplinary survey developed with indigenous communities in the fores-rich landscapes of the Malinau watershed in East Kalimantan (Indonesian...
Sheil, Douglas
Puri, R.K.
Basuki, I.
Heist, M. van
Wan, M.
Liswanti, N.
Sardjono, M.A.
Samsoedin, I.
Sidiyasa, K.D.
Permana, E.
Angi, E.M.
Gatzweiler, F.
Johnson, B.
Wijaya, A.
[Exploring biological diversity, environment and local people's perspectives in forest landscapes: methods for a multidisciplinary landscape assessment]
Exploring biological diversity, environment and local people's perspectives in forest landscapes: methods for a multidisciplinary landscape assessment
Sparsely populated and abundant in rich and exotic biodiversity, the vast and highly inaccessible Mamberamo Basin in Indonesia’s West Papua (Irian Jaya) contains some of the world’s most pristine rainforests. The region’s 7,000 people and their communities are spread over 7.7 million hectares of ...
Boissiere, M.
Heist, M. van
Sheil, Douglas
Basuki, I.
Frazier, S.
Ginting, U.
Wan, M.
Hariadi, B.
Hariyadi, H.
Kristianto, H.D.
Bemei, J.
Haruway, R.
Marien, E.R.C.
Koibur, D.P.H.
Watopa, Y.
Rachman, I.
Liswanti, N.
[Pentingnya sumberdaya alam bagi masyarakat lokal di daerah aliran sungai Mamberamo, Papua, dan implikasinya bagi konservasi]
Pentingnya sumberdaya alam bagi masyarakat lokal di daerah aliran sungai Mamberamo, Papua, dan implikasinya bagi konservasi
Decisions on land use in Vietnam are often only based on biophysical and economical assessments, with little consideration for the local people’s opinions or perspectives. This can lead to conflicts over natural resources management, unsustainable land use and decisions that are unfair to local p...
Boissiere, M.
Basuki, I.
Koponen, P.
Wan, M.
Sheil, Douglas
[Biodiversity and local perceptions on the edge of a conservation area, Khe Tran Village, Vietnam]
Biodiversity and local perceptions on the edge of a conservation area, Khe Tran Village, Vietnam