Ecoregional research has the potential to help address some of the huge challenges facing agriculture in developing countries by developing technologies that work under different agro-ecological conditions, and the processes by which these technologies can be adapted to work in other areas with s...
Douthwaite, Boru
Baker, Derek
Weise, S.F.
Gockowski, J.
Manyong, Victor M.
Keatinge, J.D.H.
[Ecoregional research in Africa : Learning lessons from IITA´s benchmark area approach]
Ecoregional research in Africa : Learning lessons from IITA´s benchmark area approach
Forest cover has deteriorated less in Central Africa than in West Africa. The cocoa cultivation practised in West Africa, after felling of the forest, has contributed to the destruction of that cover. Unlike West Africa, cocoa cultivation in Southern Cameroon (Centaral Africa) is done by smallhol...
Sonwa, D.J.
Weise, S.F.
Ndoye, O.
Janssens, M.J.J.
[Initiatives endogenes d'intensification et de diversification a l'interieur des agroforets-cacao au Sud-Cameroun: lecons pour une foresterie participative dans les systemes a base de cultures perennes en Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest]
Initiatives endogenes d'intensification et de diversification a l'interieur des agroforets-cacao au Sud-Cameroun: lecons pour une foresterie participative dans les systemes a base de cultures perennes en Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest
Over 70 years of familiarity with cocoa agroforests enables farmers of southern Cameroon to obtain food, medicinal plants and income from the ecosystem. Since 1994, social forestry activities in Cameroon have focused primarily on the idea of community forests. This approach is likely to encounter...
Sonwa, D.J.
Weise, S.F.
Tchatat, M.
Nkongmeneck, B.A.
Ndoye, O.
Gockowski, J.
[The role of cocoa agroforestry in rural and community forestry in southern Cameroon]
The role of cocoa agroforestry in rural and community forestry in southern Cameroon