With support from IDRC and CCAFS Southeast Asia, IIRR and its local NGO partners is implementing Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) to demonstrate community-based adaptation in agriculture in different agroecological zones in Myanmar. This primer is based on IIRR baseline studies as well as desk resea...
Gonsalves, Julian
Wilson John Barbon
Chan Myae
Yinn Minn Latt
[Resource conservation in the uplands of Southern Shan: How climate smart agriculture can help.]
Resource conservation in the uplands of Southern Shan: How climate smart agriculture can help.
With support from IDRC and CCAFS Southeast Asia, IIRR and its local NGO partners is implementing Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) to demonstrate community-based adaptation in agriculture in different agroecological zones in Myanmar. This primer is based on IIRR baseline studies as well as desk resea...
Gonsalves, Julian
Wilson John Barbon
Chan Myae
Yinn Minn Latt
[Capitalizing on local livelihood diversity: Enhancing resilience building of small highland farms]
Capitalizing on local livelihood diversity: Enhancing resilience building of small highland farms
With support from IDRC and CCAFS Southeast Asia, IIRR and its local NGO partners is implementing Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) to demonstrate community-based adaptation in agriculture in different agroecological zones in Myanmar. This primer is based on IIRR baseline studies as well as desk resea...
Gonsalves, Julian
Wilson John Barbon
Chan Myae
Yinn Minn Latt
[Regenerating drylands in response to a changing climate]
Regenerating drylands in response to a changing climate