CSA and its principles: food security, mitigation, and adaptation, have been widely recognized as key elements for decision makers to include to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet implementing successful innovations on a wider scale across nations – and even geographies – remains a chall...
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Lamanna, Christine
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Shikuku, K.M.
Twyman, Jennifer
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
[Nine ways to make agriculture more climate-smart]
Nine ways to make agriculture more climate-smart
A robust, resilient, and enabling policy environment is critical to take agriculture innovations to scale at national or regional level.
Policy formulation processes that consider climate variability, socioeconomic and environmental shocks require participatory, inclusive, and explorative scenari...
Better soil health can increase agricultural productivity. Restoration activities can build on-farm resilience and contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Land and soil health surveys can improve crop modeling predictions under various climate scenarios and guide more targeted in...
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Lamanna, Christine
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Shikuku, K.M.
Twyman, Jennifer
[Invest in climate-smart soil and land health]
Invest in climate-smart soil and land health
Research suggests that gender equity is a critical factor in the adoption of climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices.
If gender is not explicitly considered in climate-related interventions, the adoption of climate-resilient practices is unlikely to reach scale.
Climate-resilient interventio...
Twyman, Jennifer
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
Acosta, Mariola
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Eitzinger, Anton
Lamanna, Christine
Mwungu, Chris Miyinzi
Shikuku, K.M.
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
[Design climate-smart agricultural interventions to be gender inclusive]
Design climate-smart agricultural interventions to be gender inclusive
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
[Toward integrated analysis of socio-ecological data for improved targeting of resilient farming systems]
Toward integrated analysis of socio-ecological data for improved targeting of resilient farming systems
The overall project goal is to improve food security and farming system resilience of smallholder mixed crop-livestock farmers in East Africa while mitigating climate change through wide-scale adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA). The project integrates interdisciplinary approaches, includ...
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Läderach, Peter
Mwongera, Caroline
Twyman, Jennifer
Mashisia, Kelvin
Okolo, Wendy
Eitzinger, Anton
Rodríguez, Beatriz
[Increasing Food Security and Farming System Resilience in East Africa through Wide-Scale Adoption of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices]
Increasing Food Security and Farming System Resilience in East Africa through Wide-Scale Adoption of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is being widely promoted as a solution for food insecurity
and climate change adaptation in food systems of sub-Saharan Africa, while simultaneously
reducing the rate of greenhouse gas emissions. Governments throughout Africa are writing
policies and programs to...
Lamanna, Christine
Namoi, Nictor
Kimaro, Anthony A.
Mpanda, Mathew
Egeru, Anthony
Okia, Clement
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Mwongera, Caroline
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Asten, Piet J.A. van
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Läderach, Peter
Rosenstock, Todd S.
[Evidence-based opportunities for out-scaling climate-smart agriculture in East Africa]
Evidence-based opportunities for out-scaling climate-smart agriculture in East Africa
Adapting to climate risks is central to the goal of increasing food security and enhancing resilience of farming systems in East Africa. We examined farmers’ attitudes and assessed determinants of adaptation using data from a random sample of 500 households in Borana, Ethiopia, Nyando, Kenya, Hoi...
Shikuku, K.M.
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Twyman, Jennifer
Eitzinger, Anton
Pérez, Juan Guillermo
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
[Smallholder farmers’ attitudes and determinants of adaptation to climate risks in East Africa]
Smallholder farmers’ attitudes and determinants of adaptation to climate risks in East Africa
Crop-livestock production systems play an important role in the livelihoods of many rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) but are vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. Understanding which farming options will give the highest return on investment in light of climate change ...
Shikuku, K.M.
Valdivia, Roberto
Paul, Birthe K.
Mwongera, Caroline
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Läderach, Peter
Herrero, Mario T.
Silvestri, Silvia
[Prioritizing climate-smart livestock technologies in rural Tanzania: a minimum data approach]
Prioritizing climate-smart livestock technologies in rural Tanzania: a minimum data approach