In Indonesia, rapid deforestation is affecting local populations’ access to forest, yet little information is available about the impacts of deforestation on highly forest-dependent populations. To better understand these potential impacts, this document reports on economic and cultural uses of t...
Uluk, A.
Sudana, M.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Ketergantungan masyarakat Dayak terhadap hutan di sekitar Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang]
Ketergantungan masyarakat Dayak terhadap hutan di sekitar Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang
CIFOR facilitated 27 communities in the Upper Malinau watershed to develop agreements about their village boundaries and map them through participatory methods. Decentralization reforms created new values of forest resources and uncertainties that increased conflict over local resources. The auth...
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Anau, N.
Iwan, R.
Heist, M. van
Limberg, G.
Sudana, M.
[Building agreements among stakeholders]
Building agreements among stakeholders
As people living near forests in many parts of the world receive recognition of resource management rights, questions arise about where forest boundaries should be set and who should legitimately receive these rights. Drawing on research conducted among forest-dwelling Kenyah communities in Kalim...
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Boundary keeping and access to gaharu among Kenyah forest users]
Boundary keeping and access to gaharu among Kenyah forest users
This chapter explains the purpose and methods of the book Local Forest Management. The book uses 12-20 case studies in each China, Philippines and India to understand the impacts of community-based forest management policies of the last two decades. We define impacts in terms of the changes in ec...
This paper evaluates the impacts of natural resource devolution policies in several Asian and southern African countries from the perspective of local people. Devolution outcomes are assessed in terms of who has greater benefits and decision-making authority. We also examine the factors that have...
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Shackleton, S.
Edmunds, D.
Shanley, P.
[Central control of local resource management: the impacts of devolution]
Central control of local resource management: the impacts of devolution
Indonesia’s new basic forestry law makes some promising steps towards devolving control over forests to customary communities. This chapter analyzes the law’s provisions for new institutional arrangements, “customary communities” and co-operatives. The analysis shows how the extent of centralized...
This chapter concludes from a study of the impacts of forest devolution policies in China, India and the Philippines that devolution has had significant impacts, but mostly on increasing forest cover. Changes in livelihoods were mixed, and control over forests was little changed. In some cases, d...
Edmunds, D.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Contreras, A.P.
Liu Dachang
Kelkar, G.
Nathan, D.
Sarin, M.
Singh, N.M.
[Local forest management: conclusion]
Local forest management: conclusion
This paper provides a profile of forest-related conflict in Indonesia 1997 to June 2003, based on a survey of national and provincial newspaper articles and six case studies in Sumatera, Kalimantan and Java. The report shows that conflict increased most rapidly in 2000 during the transition to de...
Wulan, Y.C.
Yasmi, Y.
Purba, C.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Analisa konflik: sektor kehutanan di Indonesia 1997-2003]
Analisa konflik: sektor kehutanan di Indonesia 1997-2003