Food loss and waste (FLW) reduce food available for consumption and increase the environmental burden of production. Reducing FLW increases agricultural and value-chain productivity and may reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with feeding the global population. Although studies of interven...
Galford, Gillian L.
Peña, Olivia
Sullivan, Amanda K
Nash, Julie
Gurwick, Noel
Pirolli, Gillian
Richards, Meryl
White, Julianna M.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Agricultural development addresses food loss and waste while reducing greenhouse gas emissions]
Agricultural development addresses food loss and waste while reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Presentation by Lini Wollenberg, Low Emissions Development Leader, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) at the Green Climate Fund Independent Evaluation Unit Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA)
Program Inception Workshop
July 24-26, 2...
Agriculture needs to feed 9 billion people by 2050. This will require a 70 100% increase in food production (Godfray et al. 2010). Given climate change, a new kind of agriculture is therefore essential, one that must meet the triple challenge not only of ensuring food security, but also of adapti...
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Nihart, A
Holmgren, Peter
Seymour F
Sibanda, Lindiwe Majele
Braun, Joachim von
[Actions Needed to Halt Deforestation and Promote Climate-Smart Agriculture]
Actions Needed to Halt Deforestation and Promote Climate-Smart Agriculture
Introduction to CCAFS and CGIAR: Why food loss and waste? - Lini Wollenberg
The Food Loss and Waste Calculator and how it can be used to mitigate climate change - Jan Broeze
Understanding Smallholder Farmers’ Post-Harvest Behaviors: Evidence from Malawi - Tabitha Nindi
Effects of Am...
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Broeze, Jan
Nindi, Tabitha
Machinjiri, Norah
Liang, Xia
Matzembacher, Daniele
[Mitigating climate change through reduced food loss and waste]
Mitigating climate change through reduced food loss and waste
The Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Research Program (CCAFS) of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Resources (CGIAR) CCAFS “seeks to overcome the threats to agriculture and food security in a changing climate, exploring new ways of helping vulnerable rural communi...
Edmunds, D.
Sasser J
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[A gender strategy for pro-poor climate change mitigation]
A gender strategy for pro-poor climate change mitigation
New agricultural development pathways are required to meet climate change adaptation and mitigation needs in the food systems of low-income countries. A research and policy agenda is provided to indicate where innovation and new knowledge are needed. Adaptation requires identifying suitable crop ...
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Herrero, Mario T.
Wassmann, Reiner
Neufeldt, Henry
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Rosswall, T.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Hellin, J.
Jarvis, Andy
Challinor, Andrew J.
Snook, L.K.
Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
Kinyangi, James
[Setting the agenda: Climate change adaptation and mitigation for food systems in the developing world]
Setting the agenda: Climate change adaptation and mitigation for food systems in the developing world
Countries vary in their institutional technical and financial abilities to prepare for climate change in
agriculture and to balance food security, adaptation, and mitigation goals.Indicators for climate readiness provide guidance to countries and enable monitoring progress. Readiness assessments ...
This introduction to the special section on “Governing Agriculture-Forest Landscapes to Achieve Climate Change Mitigation” reviews external interventions to improve forest conditions and reduce deforestation, and by extension, influence carbon storage in agriculture-forest landscapes. The review ...
Agrawal, A.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Persha, L
[Governing agriculture-forest landscapes to achieve climate change mitigation]
Governing agriculture-forest landscapes to achieve climate change mitigation
Dickman et al . (2015; Front Ecol Environ 13[6] : 325–31) suggested that “moral relativism” and “misguided respect” for cultural practices impede biological conservation. They favor a world in which conservation scientists armed with universal norms will more readily implement their solutions wit...
Sheil, Douglas
Cohen, Jane
Colfer, Carol
Price, David
Puri, Rajindra
Ruiz Perez, Manuel
Sugandi, Yulia
Vedeld, Pål
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Yasmi, Yurdi
[The moral basis for conservation - reflections on Dickman et al.]
The moral basis for conservation - reflections on Dickman et al.
Low emissions development strategies (LEDS) are national economic and social development plans that promote sustainable development while reducing GHG emissions. While LEDS programs have helped to mainstream economy-wide planning for low emissions, planning for low emissions agriculture has remai...
Nash J
Gurwick N
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Costa, C.
Galford, Gillian L.
[Methods for identifying low emissions development options for agriculture]
Methods for identifying low emissions development options for agriculture