Gabon’s oil wealth coincides with the fact that it is one of the most forested countries in Africa; about four-fifths of its land area is covered by forests. But this is not really a coincidence. The central hypothesis of this report is that oil rents have enabled a series of pro-urban, anti-rura...
Wunder, Sven
[When the Dutch disease met the French connection: oil, macroeconomics and forests in Gabon]
When the Dutch disease met the French connection: oil, macroeconomics and forests in Gabon
Gabon’s oil wealth coincides with the fact that it is one of the most forested countries in Africa; about four-fifths of its land area is covered by forests. But this is not really a coincidence. The central hypothesis of this report is that oil rents have enabled a series of pro-urban, anti-rura...
Wunder, Sven
[Quand le syndrome Neerlandais: petrole, macroeconomie et forets au Gabon]
Quand le syndrome Neerlandais: petrole, macroeconomie et forets au Gabon
This study analyzes how long-run macroeconomic fluctuations have affected timber production levels in five tropical oil-producing countries: Gabon, Cameroon, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Venezuela, and Ecuador. The core hypothesis is that oil booms, foreign borrowing and other major foreign exchange i...
Wunder, Sven
[Macroeconomic change, competitiveness and timber production: a five-country comparison]
Macroeconomic change, competitiveness and timber production: a five-country comparison
How does an oil boom affect the forest cover of tropical oil exporting-countries? Are they more or less likely than non-oil countries to experience forest loss? What macro-economic linkages and policies are decisive? This article summarises research on land-use changes in eight tropical developin...
Wunder, Sven
Sunderlin, William D.
[Oil, macroeconomics, and forests: assessing the linkages]
Oil, macroeconomics, and forests: assessing the linkages
A main target of environmental campaigns to save the rainforest has been to stop oil operations from damaging tropical forests. However, there is more to the oil-and-forest story than meets the eye. A comprehensive study of long-run land use changes in eight tropical oil-producing countries shows...