The aim of this consultation is to explore the practicality of extending technologies that enable the use of dairy cows for multiple purposes, to help develop a regional project to transfer these technologies to relevant countries in east and Central Africa. The focus of the consultation is on ne...
Zerbini, E.
Shapiro, Barry I.
Chirgwin, J.C.
[Technology transfer. Multi-purpose cows for milk, meat and traction in smallholder farming systems. Proceedings of a consultation]
Technology transfer. Multi-purpose cows for milk, meat and traction in smallholder farming systems. Proceedings of a consultation
The principal objective of the workshop was to develop a funding proposal to implement transfer of the IAR/ILRI multi-purpose crossbred cows technologies to eastern African smallholders. The workshop proposed a formal means of co-ordinating and linkage and transfer mechanisms needed to ensure the...
This discussion which is based on output/input ratios includes many factors which are likely to be extremely important in relation to the overall utilization of feed by multipurpose cattle. It compares different output/input ratios (biological efficiencies) for draught work, beef production, milk...