Este artículo intenta una mirada crítica al Concilio Vaticano II, desde la recepción de su enseñanza antropológica en la reflexión teológico-pastoral de los sínodos de la Diócesis de Temuco. Estos sínodos, celebrados en épocas distintas, y urgidos por diversas situaciones sociales y eclesiales, m...
This articles attempts to take a critical look at II Vatican Council from the reception of its anthropological teaching in the pastoral-theological consideration of the synods of the diocese of Temuco. These synods, which were held in different times and were driven by varying social and ecclesia...
Zolezzi Cid, Tibaldo
[Una mirada al Concilio. Desde la recepción de su antropología en los sínodos de Temuco]
Una mirada al Concilio. Desde la recepción de su antropología en los sínodos de Temuco
This articles attempts to take a critical look at II Vatican Council from the reception of its anthropological teaching in the pastoral-theological consideration of the synods of the diocese of Temuco. These synods, which were held in different times and were driven by varying social and ecclesia...
Zolezzi Cid, Tibaldo
[A look at the Council: On receipt of your anthropology at the synods of Temuco]
A look at the Council: On receipt of your anthropology at the synods of Temuco
The concept of 'primacy of grace', used by the recent magisterium documents, is of paramount importance to Christian life and the mission of the Church. This primacy, rooted in the magisterium in the past century and understood both in the context of today's challenges and of the theology of the ...
Zolezzi Cid, Tibaldo
[The 'primacy of grace', an essential principle of the Christian vision of life]
The 'primacy of grace', an essential principle of the Christian vision of life