Le secteur agricole joue un rôle primordial au sein de la Communauté économique des États d’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO). En tant que pilier de l’économie, il touche à la vie de la société à plusieurs niveaux, dans la mesure où les économies nationales et les emplois, les revenus et la sécurité al...
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Traoré, Alain S.
Mbodj, Yamar
[Paysage scientifique, politique et financier de l’Agriculture Intelligente face au Climat en Afrique de l’Ouest]
Paysage scientifique, politique et financier de l’Agriculture Intelligente face au Climat en Afrique de l’Ouest
The agricultural sector plays a key role in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). As the backbone of the economy, it affects society at many levels since national economies and people’s jobs, incomes and food security depend upon it. Climate change and variability pose a major t...
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Traoré, Alain S.
Mbodj, Yamar
[Overview of the Scientific, Political and Financial Landscape of Climate-Smart Agriculture in West Africa]
Overview of the Scientific, Political and Financial Landscape of Climate-Smart Agriculture in West Africa
Climate change and variability are major challenges to rain-fed crop production in Africa.
This paper presents a report on a pilot project to test a concept for operationalizing weatherindex
crop insurance as a social adaptation to the climate change and variability problem in
the Upper West Regi...
Adiku, Samuel G.K.
Debrah-Afanyede, Evelyn
Greatrex, Helen
Zougmoré, Robert B.
MacCarthy, Dilys S.
[Weather-index based crop insurance as a social adaptation to climate change and variability in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Developing a participatory approach]
Weather-index based crop insurance as a social adaptation to climate change and variability in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Developing a participatory approach
In West Africa, especially in the Sahelian countries of Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and Mauritania, erratic rainfall sequences within and between years has often led to a high uncertainty in rainfed crop production. Over the past three decades, severe food shortages attributed to drought have been ...
Barry, Boubacar
Olaleye, Adesola O.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Fatondji, D.
[Rainwater harvesting technologies in the Sahelian zone of West Africa and the potential for outscaling]
Rainwater harvesting technologies in the Sahelian zone of West Africa and the potential for outscaling
This occasional paper presents a report from a project on “Developing community-based climate smart agriculture through participatory action research in CCAFS benchmark sites in West
Africa” which is a joint initiative of CCAFS-West Africa programme and ICRAF-WCA. Other key players of the project...
Bayala, Jules
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Ky-Dembele, Catherine
Bationo, B. André
Buah, S.S.J.
Sanogo, Diaminatou
Somda, Jacques
Tougiani A
Traoré, Kadari
Kalinganire, Antoine
[Towards developing scalable climate-smart village models: approach and lessons learnt from pilot research in West Africa]
Towards developing scalable climate-smart village models: approach and lessons learnt from pilot research in West Africa
Science–policy interfaces are critical in shaping agricultural and environmental governance.
However, connecting science with policy has always been a challenge for both scientists and
policymakers. In Ghana, Mali and Senegal, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change,
Agriculture and Food Sec...
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Partey, Samuel T.
Totin, Edmond
Ouédraogo, Mathieu
Thornton, Philip K.
Karbo, Naaminong
Sogoba, Bougouna
Dieye, Bounama
[Science-policy interactions for climate-smart agriculture uptake: lessons learnt from national science-policy dialogue platforms in West Africa]
Science-policy interactions for climate-smart agriculture uptake: lessons learnt from national science-policy dialogue platforms in West Africa
Le Projet Flagship 4 du CCAFS mis en oeuvre au Mali, depuis 2014 considère qu’une
large adoption des pratiques respectueuses du climat peut contribuer à améliorer le
revenu des producteurs et réduire les risques de pertes de récoltes. Mais l’adoption des
options proposées ne serait possible que s...
Traoré, Kadari
Totin, Edmond
Sogoba, Bougouna
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Fonctionnement et organisation du cadre institutionnel du changement climatique au Mali]
Fonctionnement et organisation du cadre institutionnel du changement climatique au Mali
Les changements et variabilités climatiques représentent des défis majeurs pour la
mise en oeuvre des plans et politiques nationaux de développement. Le Sénégal, avec
l’appui du programme « Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security » (CCAFS) a
formé une Plateforme Multi-acteurs pour faciliter ...
Dia, L.
Dieye, B
Totin, Edmond
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Analyse du contexte institutionnel de gestion du changement climatique au Sénégal]
Analyse du contexte institutionnel de gestion du changement climatique au Sénégal
Mainstreaming climate change strategies on the basis of Science, Technology and
Innovation (STI) into agricultural food security policies demands multi-dimensional
approaches. In sub-Saharan Africa, the demand is made more complex by the socioeconomic
challenges such as poverty, unstable markets,...
Owuso Essegbey, George
Totin, Edmond
Karbo N
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Assessment of climate change policy and institutional context: The case of Ghana]
Assessment of climate change policy and institutional context: The case of Ghana
This paper analyzes patterns of social interaction within the organizations working in the Yatenga
province of Burkina Faso, and develops purposive partnership framework that can facilitate the
scaling up of the action research outputs and outcomes. A diagnostic tool for evaluating group function...
Jacques S
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Sawadogo I
Bationo, B. André
Partey, Samuel T.
[Setting partnership for climate change adaptation in the CCAFS Yatenga site, Burkina Faso: analysis of gaps and opportunities]
Setting partnership for climate change adaptation in the CCAFS Yatenga site, Burkina Faso: analysis of gaps and opportunities