In search of options to cope with climate change and variability, a trial combining fertilization and improved varieties of millet and cowpea (intercropped or as sole crop) was conducted on three sites (Lemnogo, Tibtenga and Ramdolla) in the northern region of Burkina Faso. The application of cat...
Sanou, Josias
Bationo, B. André
Barry, Silamana
Nabie, Loyehoun Dorothée
Bayala, Jules
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Combining soil fertilization, cropping systems and improved varieties to minimize climate risks on farming productivity in northern region of Burkina Faso]
Combining soil fertilization, cropping systems and improved varieties to minimize climate risks on farming productivity in northern region of Burkina Faso
Background: The most limiting factors for sustainable maize production in smallholder farming systems of subSaharan
Africa, especially the savanna agro-ecological zone, are erratic rainfall pattern and low soil fertility.
Methods: Research was conducted with smallholder farmers in 2013 and 2014 i...
Buah, Saaka
Ibrahim, Hachim
Derigubah, Mavis
Kuzie, Martin
Segtaa, James Vuuro
Bayala, Jules
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Ouédraogo, Mathieu
[Tillage and fertilizer effect on maize and soybean yields in the Guinea savanna zone of Ghana]
Tillage and fertilizer effect on maize and soybean yields in the Guinea savanna zone of Ghana
As part of a global effort that will inform how Feed the Future tracks CSA across the 19 focus countries (plus aligned) the CCAFS and USAID/BFS team selected 5 to carry out a deeper analysis of their portfolio. In July 2015, CCAFS’ visit to the USAID Senegal mission provided an opportunity to ide...
Bonilla Findji, Osana
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Henry, Kevin
Schreeg, Laura
Jarvis, Andy
[CCAFS Deep Dive Assessment of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) in the Feed the Future Portfolio in Senegal]
CCAFS Deep Dive Assessment of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) in the Feed the Future Portfolio in Senegal
Climate information is recognized as a powerful tool to reduce the effect of climate
risk and uncertainty on crop production and increase the resilience and the adaptive capacity of
farmers in semi-arid zones. This paper estimates farmers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for climate
information within c...
Ouédraogo, Mathieu
Barry, Silamana
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Partey, Samuel T.
Somé, Léopold
Baki, Gregoire
[Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Climate Information Services: Evidence from Cowpea and Sesame Producers in Northern Burkina Faso]
Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Climate Information Services: Evidence from Cowpea and Sesame Producers in Northern Burkina Faso
Greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer usage in sub-Saharan Africa are currently low due to low application rates of nitrogen fertilizers. As African countries begin to implement their Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement, there is an opportunity to improve crop productivi...
Richards, Meryl
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Mamo, Tekalign
Stirling, Clare M.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Engrais et développement sobre en carbone en Afrique subsaharienne]
[Fertilizers and low emission development in sub-Saharan Africa]
Fertilizers and low emission development in sub-Saharan Africa
L'économie du Niger repose principalement sur le secteur agricole qui contribue à 50% au produit intérieur brut (PIB). Ainsi, la vulnérabilité du secteur agricole au changement et aux aléas climatiques constitue une préoccupation majeure pour le développement du pays. La réponse au changement cli...
Ouédraogo, Mathieu
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Larwanou, Mahamane
Houessionon, Prosper
[Le Projet d'Appui à la Résilience Climatique pour un Développement Agricole Durable (PARC-DAD) au Niger est-il suffisamment climato-intelligent ? Résultats des analyses participatives des projets terrain du PARC-DAD au Niger]
Le Projet d'Appui à la Résilience Climatique pour un Développement Agricole Durable (PARC-DAD) au Niger est-il suffisamment climato-intelligent ? Résultats des analyses participatives des projets terrain du PARC-DAD au Niger
Climate change impacts on agriculture have become evident, and threaten the achievement of global food security. On the other hand, the agricultural sector itself is a cause of climate change, and if actions are not taken, the sector might impede the achievement of global climate goals. Science-p...
Dinesh, Dhanush
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Vervoort, Joost M.
Totin, Edmond
Thornton, Philip K.
Solomon, Dawit
Shirsath, Paresh
Pede, Valerien
López Noriega, Isabel
Läderach, Peter
Körner, Jana
Hegger, Dries
Girvetz, Evan H.
Friis, Anette Engelund
Driessen, Peter P.J.
Campbell, Bruce M.
[Facilitating Change for Climate-Smart Agriculture through Science-Policy Engagement]
Facilitating Change for Climate-Smart Agriculture through Science-Policy Engagement
The contribution of the agricultural sector to Ghana's economy has been dwindling in relative terms from a high of 39 per cent in 1990s to about 21 per cent in 2014 (ISSER, 2015). This reduction to the sector’s GDP notwithstanding, sector continues to play a
major role in the country’s socio-econ...
Botchway, Vincent Ansah
Sam, Kingsley Odum
Karbo, Naaminong
Essegbey, George Owusu
Nutsukpo, Delali
Agyemang, Kingsley
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Partey, Samuel T.
[Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in Ghana]
Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in Ghana
Agricultural productivity and growth in Mali are under threat from erratic rainfall, resulting in more frequent dry years. The national economy is vulnerable to climate change due to 50% of the gross domestic product coming from the agricultural sector and 75% of the population living in rural ar...
Andrieu, Nadine
Sogoba, Bougouna
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Howland, Fanny Cecile
Samake, O.
Bonilla Findji, Osana
Lizarazo, Miguel
Nowak, Andreea
Dembele, C.
Corner-Dolloff, Caitlin
[Prioritizing investments for climate-smart agriculture: Lessons learned from Mali]
Prioritizing investments for climate-smart agriculture: Lessons learned from Mali
Abstract This chapter focuses on the evaluation of adaptive capacities of
community-level human systems related to agriculture and food security. It highlights
findings regarding approaches and domains to monitor and evaluate behavioral
changes from CGIAR’s research program on climate change, agr...
Somda, Jacques
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Sawadogo, Issa
Bationo, B. André
Buah, S.S.J.
Tougiani, Abasse
[Adaptation Processes in Agriculture and Food Security: Insights from Evaluating Behavioral Changes in West Africa]
Adaptation Processes in Agriculture and Food Security: Insights from Evaluating Behavioral Changes in West Africa