The 1st yr of operation (1983-84) of 6 cassava natural drying plants, established in some states of the Colombian Atlantic Coast as a result of the successful operation of the Betulia pilot plant (Sucre) established in 1981, is reported. Under the present production and commercialization conditio...
Best, R.
[Plan piloto para el desarrollo agro-industrial del cultivo de la yuca en algunos departamentos de la Costa Atlantica de Colombia : Tercer informe junio 1983-junio 1984]
Plan piloto para el desarrollo agro-industrial del cultivo de la yuca en algunos departamentos de la Costa Atlantica de Colombia : Tercer informe junio 1983-junio 1984
Kidoido, Michael M.
[Validating the Nicaragua dual purpose cattle value chain impact pathway(s)]
Validating the Nicaragua dual purpose cattle value chain impact pathway(s)
The results of a case study conducted in Betulia (Sucre, Colombia) in May-Dec. 1983 to evaluate the competition for land between cassava cultivation (monocropped or in association with maize or yam) and cattle raising are discussed. In general, profits from cassava either in association or in mon...
Boering, S
Janssen, W.
[La competencia por la tierra entre la agricultura y la ganaderia en el minifundio costeno]
La competencia por la tierra entre la agricultura y la ganaderia en el minifundio costeno
The results of a survey conducted in 1983 among 416 farmers participating in the integrated rural development project (DRI, Colombia) in Atlantico (60), Bolivar (66), Cordoba (156), and Sucre (134), on land use and importance of cassava within the farming system, are presented. Except for Bolivar...
Janssen, W.
[Utilizacion de la tierra e importancia de la yuca en la finca DRI en los Departamentos de Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba y Sucre]
Utilizacion de la tierra e importancia de la yuca en la finca DRI en los Departamentos de Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba y Sucre
SUMMARY OF CIAT ASIA TEAM PLANNING SESSION 19 – 21 FEBRUARY, HANOI Participants: Asia: Rod Lefroy, Keith Fahrney, Tassilo Tiemann, Adrian Bolliger, Tin Maung Aye, Kris Wyckhyus, Georgina Smith, Aparna Mani, Jonathan Newby, Sok Sophearith, Lao Thao, Ou Wenjun, Cu Thi Le Thuy, Giang Tuan Linh and D...