This section introduces some basic concepts surrounding the climate system, climate change and climate variability. We will provide some insights into the challenges of climate modelling and what the inherent uncertainty really means for us, before exploring the way adaptation has so far been dis...
Neufeldt, Henry
Sand, Isabel van de
Dietz, Johannes
Minh HH
Yatich, T.
Lasco, Rodel
Noordwijk, Meine van
[Climate change, climate variability and adaptation options]
Climate change, climate variability and adaptation options
The following sections are included:
Introduction. AgMIP Structure and Scientific Approach. AgMIP Regional Activities. AgMIP Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Projects. Climate change impacts on West African Agriculture (CIWARA) — A regional assessment. Impacts of climate variability and change on ag...
Rosenzweig, Cynthia
Jones, James W.
Hatfield, Jerry L.
Mutter, CZ
Adiku, Samuel G.K.
Ahmad, A
Beletse, Y
Gangwar, B
Dileepkumar, Guntuku
Kihara, Job
Masikati, Patricia
Paramasivan P
Rao, K.P.C.
Zubair, L
[The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Integrated regional assessment projects]
The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Integrated regional assessment projects
Rikxoort, H. van
Jassogne, Laurence T.P.
Läderach, Peter
Asten, Piet J.A. van
[Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation in East African coffee ecosystems]
Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation in East African coffee ecosystems
This book reviews the state of agricultural climate change mitigation globally, with a focus on identifying the feasibility, opportunities and challenges for achieving mitigation among smallholder farmers. The purpose is ultimately to accelerate efforts towards mitigating land-based climate chang...
Lee J
Newman J
[Designing agricultural mitigation for smallholders in developing countries: a comparative analysis of projects in East Africa]
Designing agricultural mitigation for smallholders in developing countries: a comparative analysis of projects in East Africa
Naab, Jesse B.
Bationo, B. André
Wafula, B.M.
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Ouattara M
Tabo, Ramadjita
Vlek, Paul L.G.
[African Perspectives on Climate Change and Agriculture: Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Potential]
African Perspectives on Climate Change and Agriculture: Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Potential
The content of the book comprises of country chapters on mobile phone applications for agricultural extension from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe along with chapters on global review on m-agriculture initiatives, content generation process and socio-economic impact of mobile phone based a...
Mittal, Surabhi
Mehar, Mamta
[Socio-Economic Impact of the Mobile Phone based Agricultural Extension]
Socio-Economic Impact of the Mobile Phone based Agricultural Extension
Climate can be viewed in a number of ways. As a constraint or setting, climate provides the broad boundary conditions within which a range of ecosystems services function. Climate may be considered a determinant in that it may be part of a causal chain of direct or indirect events leading to a pa...
Martínez, R.
Hemming D
Malone L
Bermudez, N.
Cockfield G
Diongue, A.
Hansen, James
Hildebrand A
Ingram K
Jakeman G
Kadi Kadi, Hame A.
McGregor GR
Mushtaq S
Rao P
Pulwarty R
Ndiaye, Ousmane
Srinivasan, G.
Seck E
White N
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Improving climate risk management at local level techniques, case studies, good practices and guidelines for World Meteorological Organization members]
Improving climate risk management at local level techniques, case studies, good practices and guidelines for World Meteorological Organization members
Many genera and species of nematodes attack almost all crops affecting their yield potential. Their distribution, diversity and potential damage depend on many factors including their centres of origin and subsequent spread, the agroecological conditions and the tolerance and resistance of the cr...
Nicol JM
Turner, S.J.
Coyne, D.L.
Nijs, L. den
Hockland S
Tahna Maafi Z
[Current nematode threats to world agriculture]
Current nematode threats to world agriculture
Including inland water bodies, Ghana covers 238,539 square kilometers and is located on the south central coast of West Africa. The country shares bor¬ders in the east with Togo, in the north with Burkina Faso, and in the west with Côte d’Ivoire. The topography of Ghana is mainly undulating, with...
Cassava (manioc, yuca, or mandioca; Manihot esculenta Crantz, Euphorbiaceae) is an important cash crop and food crop of resource-limited farmers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The storage roots are utilised either fresh, as in the case of sweet cultivars low in cyanogenic g...
Okogbenin, Emmanuel
Setter TL
Ferguson M
Mutegi R
Alves, A.C.
Ceballos, H.
Fregene, Martin A.
[Phenotyping cassava for adaptation to drought]
Phenotyping cassava for adaptation to drought