This book focuses primarily on changes that have taken place in the Malinau area in East Kalimantan in recent years. The Punan Malinau, who inhabit the area, are former nomads who subsist on a wide range of forest-oriented activities, including swidden agriculture, hunting and the collection of a...
Kaskija, L.
[Claiming the forest: Punan local histories and recent developments in Bulungan, East Kalimantan]
Claiming the forest: Punan local histories and recent developments in Bulungan, East Kalimantan
Based on social ecology, anthropological and policy research conducted on social dimension of natural resources management in Cameroon, this contribution liberates a given number of findings: 1. local communities in Cameroon have both an horizontal (practical) and a vertical (metaphysical) percep...
Oyono, P.R.
[Usages culturels de la foret au Sud-Cameroun: rudiments d'ecologie sociale et materiau pour la gestion du pluralisme]
Usages culturels de la foret au Sud-Cameroun: rudiments d'ecologie sociale et materiau pour la gestion du pluralisme
For more than thirty years beginning in the early 70’s, the forests of Indonesia were administered and managed centrally; mirroring the centralistic characteristics of the way the Indonesian government had functioned during the same period. The first day of year 2001, however, marked a momentous ...
Dermawan, A.
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
[Forest and regional autonomy: the challenge of sharing the profits and pains]
Forest and regional autonomy: the challenge of sharing the profits and pains
Considering the role and importance of the forest to local people, what first strikes any visitor to the Bulungan research forest is the strong contradiction between talk and action. On one hand side the contribution of the forest to local people's livelihoods is widely acknowledged, on the other...
CIFOR facilitated 27 communities in the Upper Malinau watershed to develop agreements about their village boundaries and map them through participatory methods. Decentralization reforms created new values of forest resources and uncertainties that increased conflict over local resources. We repor...
Anau, N.
Iwan, R.
Heist, M. van
Limberg, G.
Sudana, I.M.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Negotiating more than boundaries: conflict, power, and agreement building in the demarcation of village borders in Malinau]
Negotiating more than boundaries: conflict, power, and agreement building in the demarcation of village borders in Malinau
This chapter analyses the model of decentralization of forest management in Bolivia, and assess its main outcomes. Though significant functions were delegated to municipalities regarding forest resources such as control of forest crime, monitoring of forest management, delimitation and allocation...
Pacheco, P.
[Municipalities and local participation in forest management in Bolivia]
Municipalities and local participation in forest management in Bolivia
Estimates of forest values may enable us to inform policy makers, donor agencies, and local decision makers who are attempting to plan and implement interventions that improve livelihoods. However, it needs to link these values with patterns of behaviour; and link the patterns of behaviour with c...
Luckert, M.K.
Campbell, Bruce M.
[Expandiendo nuestro conocimiento conceptual y metodologico sobre el rol de arboles y bosques en la subsistencia rural]
Expandiendo nuestro conocimiento conceptual y metodologico sobre el rol de arboles y bosques en la subsistencia rural
To understand the role of forest products in households people need to understand the nature of rural livelihoods and the characteristics of forest products. Rural households typically have a wide livelihood portfolio, encompassing a range of activities. They also generally face low availability ...
Campbell, Bruce M.
Luckert, M.K.
[Hacia la comprension del rol los bosques en la subsistencia rural]
Hacia la comprension del rol los bosques en la subsistencia rural
Nemarundwe, N.
Richards, Meryl
[Participatory methods for exploring livelihood values derived from forests: potential and limitations]
Participatory methods for exploring livelihood values derived from forests: potential and limitations
For over 30 years, Indonesia's central government controlled its forests, the third largest area of tropical forests in the world. Driven by serious political, administrative, and economic demands for reforms, the central government has begun to decentralize, transferring new powers to the distri...
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
[Closer to people and trees: will decentralisation work for the people and the forests of Indonesia?]
Closer to people and trees: will decentralisation work for the people and the forests of Indonesia?