White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum, is distributed worldwide and has more than 300 hosts. It infects flowers, cotyledons, seeds, leaves, or injured plant tissue. The disease can be controlled by crop rotation, flooding, reduced seeding rates, fewer irrigations...
El moho blanco causado por el hongo Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum se halla presente en todo el mundo, con mas de 300 plantas hospedantes del patogeno; infecta las flores, cotiledones, semillas, hojas o tejido lesionado. El control de la enfermedad se puede hacer por rotacion de cultivos,...
Web blight, caused by the fungus Thanatephorus cucumeris, is prevalent in tropical regions with high to moderate temp. and RH; more than 200 plant species serve as hosts to this pathogen. Hyphae can grow rapidly over healthy tissue of leaves, flowers, petioles, and pods. For efficient control, th...
La mustia hilachosa, causada por el hongo Thanatephorus cucumeris, prevalece en las regiones tropicales con una temp. y HR entre moderada y alta; mas de 200 especies vegetales le sirven de hospedante al patogeno. Las hifas del hongo pueden crecer rapidamente en el tejido sano de las hojas, flores...
En el noroeste argentino (NOA) se registró, a partir de 1976, una expansión del área cultivada de poroto negro (Phaseolus vulgaris L). Entre Los diversos problemas de producción de poroto en Argentina, están las enfermedades virales como el mosaico dorado (VMD) y el mosaico enano, principales lim...
Vizgarra, Oscar Nicéforo
[TUC 390 y TUC 500, dos nuevas variedades de poroto negro para el noroeste argentino]
TUC 390 y TUC 500, dos nuevas variedades de poroto negro para el noroeste argentino
The current status of cassava cultivation in Brazil is analyzed; aspects covered are the distribution of production, cultivation systems, main uses given to the crop, and problems encountered in the different geographic regions of the country (north, NE, SE, south, and central-west). An overview ...
Se analiza el estado actual del cultivo de la yuca en Brasil, cubriendo aspectos de la distribucion de la produccion, los sistemas de cultivo y los principales usos y problemas encontrados en las diferentes regiones geograficas del pais (Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste, Sur y Centro-Oeste). Tambien se p...
Three steps in forage germplasm evaluation, leading to the identification of superior cultivars, are discussed. Emphasis is given to the use of the grazing animal to defoliate the collection of accessions, beginning in the introduction nursery to provide preliminary information on acceptability a...
Mott, G.O.
[Evaluation pasture germplasm under different grazing management systems]
Evaluation pasture germplasm under different grazing management systems
Grassland improvement work, particularly in the early stages of developing a program for tropical regions, involves a comparison of new accessions selected from wild populations whose potential as cultivated forages is often unknown.
Pasture species evaluation strategies employed at CIAT's main s...
Grof, Bert
[Selection of pasture cultivars from many germplasm entries under grazing]
Selection of pasture cultivars from many germplasm entries under grazing
In Bolivia cassava is grown in 4 large areas, Beni-Pando, Yungas, Santa Cruz, and Chapare, where soils are mostly Inceptisols with some Entisols in the lowlands; Ultisols and Inceptisols predominate in the Yungas area. Currently 47,000 ha are planted to cassava in the country, with av. yields of ...
En Bolivia la yuca se cultiva en 4 grandes zonas, Beni-Pando, Yungas, Santa Cruz y Chapare, con suelos en su mayoria Inseptisoles con algunos Entisoles en las zonas bajas; en Yungas dominan los Ultisoles e Inseptisoles. Actualmente se siembran 47,000 ha en todo el pais, con un prom. de rendimient...
Different aspects of cassava cultivation in Ecuador are described, namely agroclimatic regions, climate, soils, production areas, production systems, main var. grown in production zones, and uses. Among the main production constraints are the irregular rainfall patterns, the lack of marketing stu...
Se describen diferentes aspectos del cultivo de la yuca en Ecuador, a saber: regiones agroclimaticas, clima, suelos, areas de produccion, sistemas de produccion, principales var. en zonas productoras y usos. Entre las principales limitaciones a la produccion identificadas estan la precipitacion i...