This booklet is directed towards those who are implementing natural resource management (NRM) projects, undertaking research on NRM, or setting policies for NRM. It is focused on the best ways to improve the effectiveness of research and development (R&D) in NRM, so that livelihood and environmen...
Campbell, Bruce M.
Hagmann, J.
Stroud, Ann
Thomas, R.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Navigating amidst complexity: guide to implementing effective research and development to improve livelihoods and the environment]
Navigating amidst complexity: guide to implementing effective research and development to improve livelihoods and the environment
Natural resource management problems in agriculture often transcend field or farm boundaries. What happens in one part of landscape depends on management practices in another. Pest and disease problems in crops, soil erosion, problems related to quantity and quality of water are all examples of t...
Ravnborg, Helle Munk
Guerrero, MP
[El análisis de los protagonistas sobre la administración de los recursos naturales]
El análisis de los protagonistas sobre la administración de los recursos naturales
Girvetz, Evan H.
Zganjar, Chris
[Dissecting indices of aridity for assessing the impacts of global climate change]
Dissecting indices of aridity for assessing the impacts of global climate change
Despite the recognition that policy processes are important for sustainable natural resources management (NRM), there is concern that agricultural research and technology development have not been reflected in policy change, nor have they affected decision-making processes of wider communities. M...
Sanginga, Pascal C.
Kamugisha, RN
Martin, A
Kahuru, A
Stroud, Ann
[Facilitating participatory processes for policy change in natural resource management : Lessons from the highlands of southwestern Uganda]
Facilitating participatory processes for policy change in natural resource management : Lessons from the highlands of southwestern Uganda
The thesis of this paper is that the "rational fool" syndrome can be applied to mainstream public sector agricultural research that is conducted in a way that is rational in the short term, but acts against its own long-term viability. Historically, a main concern of such research has been to max...
Ashby, J.A.
[Integrating research on food and the environment: An exit strategy from the rational fool syndrome in agricultural science]
Integrating research on food and the environment: An exit strategy from the rational fool syndrome in agricultural science
This chapter identifies key issues involved in assessing the impacts of natural resource management (NRM) interventions. Such interventions include adoption of changed NRM practices arising from investments in research and outreach that are implemented through NRM projects, programmes, and polic...
Freeman, H.A.
Shiferaw, B.
Swinton, S.M.
[Assessing the impacts of natural resource management interventions in agriculture: Concepts, issues and challenges]
Assessing the impacts of natural resource management interventions in agriculture: Concepts, issues and challenges
This paper addresses issues related to the roles and actions that the different partners in livestock research and Development can take to increase co-operation, ensure more effective technology transfer and increase impact. The focus is on Africa, because this region, while not being unique in f...
Ehui, Simeon K.
Shapiro, Barry I.
[Improving livestock research and technology transfer in developing countries]
Improving livestock research and technology transfer in developing countries
This chapter provides an overview of the valuation methods and methodological approaches used to evaluate the economic and environmental impacts of natural resource management (NRM) interventions. First, the multiple agro-ecosystem services associated with NRM are summarized. The core issues invo...
Shiferaw, B.
Freeman, H.A.
Navrud, S.
[Valuation methods and approaches for assessing natural resource management impacts]
Valuation methods and approaches for assessing natural resource management impacts