Classical innovation adoption models implicitly assume homogenous information flow across farmers, which is often not realistic. As a result, selection bias in adoption parameters may occur. We focus on tissue culture (TC) banana technology that was introduced in Kenya more than 10 years ago. Up ...
Kabunga, N.
Dubois, T.
Qaim, M.
[Heterogeneous information exposure and technology adoption: the case of tissue culture bananas in Kenya]
Heterogeneous information exposure and technology adoption: the case of tissue culture bananas in Kenya
Okogbenin, Emmanuel
Kahya, S
Fregene, Martin A.
[Use of biotechnology tools in cassava breeding]
Use of biotechnology tools in cassava breeding
Techniques of modern biology such as molecular cloning of genes, gene transfer, genetic manipulation of animal and plant embryo transfer, genetic manipulation of rumen microbes, chemical and biological treatment of low quality animal feeds for improved nutritive value, genetically engineered immu...
Rege, J.E.O.
[Biotechnology options for improving livestock production in developing countries, with special reference to sub-Saharan Africa]
Biotechnology options for improving livestock production in developing countries, with special reference to sub-Saharan Africa
CGIAR annual report covering the year 1998. It contains an introductory message by Chairman Ismail Serageldin, and an overview of developments in 1998 by Executive Secretary Alexander von der Osten.A chapter devoted to the theme of the report 'The Impact of Knowledge,' surveys the role of knowled...
Keese, P.
[Even free access is still beyond the means of most scholars in Africa]
Even free access is still beyond the means of most scholars in Africa
Annual report of the CGIAR covering the calendar year 1997. It contains introductory messages from the Chairman and Executive Secretary of the Group. Sections deal with the CGIAR, major awards received by CGIAR scientists and managers from 1970 to 1997; biodiversity, food security, and research o...
CGIAR annual report covering the year 1999. The report opens with messages from the CGIAR Chairman and Executive Secretary. It contains perspectives on rural development by Robert Thompson of the World Bank, System Change by TAC Chair Emil Javier, biotechnology and the poor by Gabrielle Persley, ...
CGIAR Secretariat
[1999 CGIAR Annual Report: Science for the Poor and the Environment]
1999 CGIAR Annual Report: Science for the Poor and the Environment
Tilburg, A. van
Castaño Gálvez, J
[Recomendaciones para la identificación de líneas de acción del proyecto de biotecnología en la Costa Atlántica colombiana : misión de apoyo al estudio de mercado, marzo 27-31 de 1995]
Recomendaciones para la identificación de líneas de acción del proyecto de biotecnología en la Costa Atlántica colombiana : misión de apoyo al estudio de mercado, marzo 27-31 de 1995