Among the collective actions of the World Bank-funded Global Public Goods Phase II Project (GPG2), the following collaborative activity: “Refinement and standardization of storage procedures for clonal crops” was given to the CGIAR’s In Vitro Genebanks, represented by the Clonal Crop Task Force (...
Benson, E.E.
Harding, K.
Debouck, Daniel G.
Dumet, D.
Escobar, R.
Mafla, G.
Panis, B.
Panta, A.
Tay, D.
Houwe, I. van den
Roux, N.
[Refinement and standardization of storage procedures for clonal crops. Global Public Goods Phase 2. Part 3: Multi-crop guidelines for developing in vitro conservation best practices for clonal crops]
Refinement and standardization of storage procedures for clonal crops. Global Public Goods Phase 2. Part 3: Multi-crop guidelines for developing in vitro conservation best practices for clonal crops
Vernooy, Ronnie
Shrestha, P.
Sthapit, B.R.
[Seeds to keep and seeds to share: the multiple roles of community seed banks]
Seeds to keep and seeds to share: the multiple roles of community seed banks
Snook, L.K.
Dulloo, M.E.
Jarvis, A.
Scheldeman, X.
Kneller, M.
[Crop germplasm diversity: the role of gene bank collections in facilitating adaptation to climate change - Chapter 25: In: Crop adapation to climate change]
Crop germplasm diversity: the role of gene bank collections in facilitating adaptation to climate change - Chapter 25: In: Crop adapation to climate change
Proper classification and establishment of relationships between and within Musa taxonomic clusters will be important tools for the genetic improvement of plantain and banana. This paper assesses the value of a phenotypic diversity index, based on 16 quantitative descriptors, for germplasm cluste...
Ortiz, R.
Madsen, S.
Vuylsteke, D.R.
[Classification of African plantain landraces and banana cultivars using a phenotypic distance index of quantitative descriptors]
Classification of African plantain landraces and banana cultivars using a phenotypic distance index of quantitative descriptors
Ng, Q.
Hughes, Jacqueline d'Arros
[Theoretical and practical considerations in the regeneration of cowpea germplasm at IITA]
Theoretical and practical considerations in the regeneration of cowpea germplasm at IITA
The research focused on the biochemical and molecular analysis of 29 accessions from the core collection of Bactris gasipaes (“pijuayo”), maintained at the San Roque INIA Station in Amazonian Peru. The objective is to identify accessions with a wide range of cooking characteristics and variabilit...
Ramírez, M.
Zonneveld, Maarten van
Iman, S.
Sigueñas, M.
[Case study on access and benefit sharing for non-commercial academic research in Latin America and the Caribbean. Access to Bactris gasipaes, pijuayo, from the national ex situ collection at INIA-Peru: Estudio de caso sobre acceso y distrubucion de beneficios dentro de la investigacion academica no-comercial en America latina y el Caribe. Acceso a Bactris gasipaes pijuayo, de la coleccion nacional ex-situ mantenida en INIA]
Case study on access and benefit sharing for non-commercial academic research in Latin America and the Caribbean. Access to Bactris gasipaes, pijuayo, from the national ex situ collection at INIA-Peru: Estudio de caso sobre acceso y distrubucion de beneficios dentro de la investigacion academica no-comercial en America latina y el Caribe. Acceso a Bactris gasipaes pijuayo, de la coleccion nacional ex-situ mantenida en INIA
Padulosi, S.
Ng, N.Q.
[Wild Vigna species in Africa: their collection and potential utilization]
Wild Vigna species in Africa: their collection and potential utilization
Maggioni, L.
Dias, S.
Bioversity International
[Minutes of the EURISCO Advisory Group: Fourth meeting, 12 March 2008, Bonn, Germany [ECPGR Documentation and Information Network]]
Minutes of the EURISCO Advisory Group: Fourth meeting, 12 March 2008, Bonn, Germany [ECPGR Documentation and Information Network]
Frese, L.
Hoekstra, R.
Bioversity International
[Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Sugar, Starch and Fibre Crops: Third meeting, 8-9 October 2009, Quedlinburg, Germany]
Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Sugar, Starch and Fibre Crops: Third meeting, 8-9 October 2009, Quedlinburg, Germany