Social learning approaches can catalyse knowledge
co-creation and action, so have the potential to help
solve complex ‘wicked’ problems such as climate
change and food insecurity. This working paper
synthesises evidence from five diverse initiatives
employing social learning approaches in respons...
Epp, Marissa van
Garside, Ben
[Solving ‘wicked’ problems: can social learning catalyse adaptive responses to climate change?]
Solving ‘wicked’ problems: can social learning catalyse adaptive responses to climate change?
The TerraCert Project is developing an innovative approach to achieve sustainability in the Amazon region through the certification of territories. The project embraces four key dimensions:
Agricultural transition with eco-efficiency in the Amazon
The territories in the Amazon, mainly those in th...
Project TerraCert
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Territories innovating to monitor and assess progress towards sustainability]
Territories innovating to monitor and assess progress towards sustainability
The Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture project is a four-year initiative
(2016-2019) that seeks to transform Rwanda’s rural farming communities
and national economy through improved climate risk management.
The project’s goal is to improve agricultural planning and food security
management i...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Building climate services capacity in Rwanda]
Building climate services capacity in Rwanda
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) aims to achieve the goals of increased productivity / food security, adaptation / resilience, and mitigation. The different weights put on each goal depends on the context. CSA investors and implementers are now seeking methods and sets of indicators to monitor pro...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Metrics to measure progress towards climate-smart agriculture (CSA) goals]
Metrics to measure progress towards climate-smart agriculture (CSA) goals
This extensive project has struck up collaborations across Latin America to assist policy makers
incorporate the latest climate and agriculture science and tools in national adaptation and mitigation plans.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Supporting climate-resilient food systems policies and institutions in Latin America]
Supporting climate-resilient food systems policies and institutions in Latin America
Schut, Marc
[Integrated analysis of complex agricultural problems and identification of entry points for innovation in agrifood systems]
Integrated analysis of complex agricultural problems and identification of entry points for innovation in agrifood systems
The class of root, tuber and banana (RTB) crops encompasses banana and plantain, cassava, potato, sweet potato, taro, yam and a number of lesser cultivated and consumed root and tuber crops. RTB are the second most important group of crops in LDCs after cereals. RTB are vital for food security, w...
Research shows that paying attention to gender matters not only for the equity of climate change adaptation programs but also for their efficiency and effectiveness. Many organizations working to increase resilience to climate change with local communities also recognize the importance of gender ...
Bryan, Elisabeth
Bernier, Quinn
Espinal, Marcia
Ringler, Claudia
[Integrating Gender into Climate Change Adaptation Programs: A Research and Capacity Needs Assessment for Sub-Saharan Africa]
Integrating Gender into Climate Change Adaptation Programs: A Research and Capacity Needs Assessment for Sub-Saharan Africa
L'interdépendance des pays sur les ressources génétiques des cultures et fourrages
dont ils ont bessoin pour leur sécurité alimentaire est une des raisons de la mise en
place du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l'Alimentation
et l'Agriculture et de son système multilat...
Bougma, Ali
Galluzzi, Gea
Sawadogo, Mahamadou
[L’importance des échanges internationaux des ressources phytogénétiques pour l’amélioration des cultures au Burkina Faso]
L’importance des échanges internationaux des ressources phytogénétiques pour l’amélioration des cultures au Burkina Faso