Discusses changes in the floristic composition and biomass production of eragrostis and vetiveria grasslands due to the rainfall and flood deficits during 1980-86 in the Niger floodplain in central Mali.
Diarra, L.
[Changes in Vetiveria nigritiana and Eragrostis barteri grasslands in the Niger floodplain, central Mali]
Changes in Vetiveria nigritiana and Eragrostis barteri grasslands in the Niger floodplain, central Mali
Drought is a major constraint to common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production, especially in developing countries where irrigation for the crop is infrequent. The Mesoamerican genepool is the most widely grown subdivision of common beans that include small red, small cream and black seeded vari...
Blair, Matthew W.
Galeano, Carlos
Tovar, Eduardo
Muñoz Torres, Mónica Cecilia
Velasco, Alejandro
Beebe, Stephen E.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
[Development of a Mesoamerican intra-genepool genetic map for QTL detection in a drought tolerant x susceptible common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cross]
Development of a Mesoamerican intra-genepool genetic map for QTL detection in a drought tolerant x susceptible common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cross
Fitzgibbon, C.
Crosskey, A.
[Disaster risk reduction management in the drylands in the Horn of Africa: Brief prepared by a Technical Consortium hosted by CGIAR in partnership with the FAO Investment Centre]
Disaster risk reduction management in the drylands in the Horn of Africa: Brief prepared by a Technical Consortium hosted by CGIAR in partnership with the FAO Investment Centre
Grosjean, Godefroy
Monteils, F.
Hamilton, S. D.
Blaustein-Rejto, D.
Gatto, M.
Talsma, T.
Bourgoin, Clément
Sebastian, Leocadio S.
Catacutan, D.
Mulia, R.
Bui, Y.
Tran, D.N.
Nguyen, K.G.
Pham, M.T.
Lan, Le Ngoc
Läderach, Peter
[Increasing resilience to droughts in Viet Nam: The role of forests, agroforestry, and climate smart agriculture]
Increasing resilience to droughts in Viet Nam: The role of forests, agroforestry, and climate smart agriculture
Responding to rainfall variability has always been one of the most critical risks facing farmers. It is also an integral part of the job of water managers, whether it be designing interventions for flood management, improving the reliability of water supply for irrigation or advising on prioritie...
Bird, Jeremy
Roy, Srabani
Shah, Tushaar
Aggarwal, Pramod K.
Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
Amarnath, Giriraj
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Pavelic, Paul
McCornick, Peter G.
[Adapting to climate variability and change in India]
Adapting to climate variability and change in India
Bioversity is leading a consortium that is supporting the Guatemalan government in developing and implementing a community-based food security information and decision support system through a participatory, demand-driven co-design process. The digital solutions for managing climate risks and foo...
Müller, A.
[Digital solutions for managing climate risks and food security in Guatemala]
Digital solutions for managing climate risks and food security in Guatemala
A descriptive and integrated look at the physiology of the bean plant is presented. Initially, the basic physiological processes that determine bean yields are discussed, namely (1) metabolic events such as photosynthesis, respiration, and N metabolism, which have a direct effect on growth, and (...
White, Jeffrey W.
Izquierdo, J.
[Dry bean: physiology of yield potential and stress tolerance]
Dry bean: physiology of yield potential and stress tolerance
Des études antérieures ont prédis que le maïs deviendra une culture commerciale et assurera la sécurité alimentaire mieux que toute autre culture. Dans le Nord du Bénin par exemple, il vient en deuxième position après le coton en tant que culture de subsistance et de rente. Selon le Ministère de ...
Baco, M.N.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Sanogo, D.
Langyintuo, A.
[Caractérisation des ménages producteurs de maïs en zone de savane sèche au Bénin]
Caractérisation des ménages producteurs de maïs en zone de savane sèche au Bénin
The symptomatology and control of the principal bean diseases in Colombia are discussed, classifying them as (1) biotic: root rot caused by fungi, bacteria and nematodes; foliage diseases - anthracnose, rust, angular leaf spot, powdery mildew, Ascochyta leaf spot, gray spot, floury leaf spot, pod...