Research on lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) was conducted regarding adaptation, resistance to common bacterial blight (Xanthomonas phaseoli), resistance to leafhoppers (Empoasca kraemeri), and cyanide concn. in lima bean seed. In adaptation studies 36 climbing lima bean lines were selected from th...
Lynam, John K.
[Estudios sobre adaptacion y mejoramiento del frijol Phaseolus lunatus]
Estudios sobre adaptacion y mejoramiento del frijol Phaseolus lunatus
A report is given on the organization of CIAT`s bean germplasm bank, which main objectives are: (1) assemble the world`s available genetic resources of beans for the basic and applied research to raise bean production in the tropics; (2) characterize systematically each entry and record its morph...
Roman V, A
Davis, J.
[Informe de trabajos 1980: Convenio ICA-CIAT, La Selva, Antioquia: Progama de frijol]
Informe de trabajos 1980: Convenio ICA-CIAT, La Selva, Antioquia: Progama de frijol
Some basic definitions on genetics in relation to bean cultivation are presented in which a description is given on how to use this information in a breeding program. Examples are given on the management of quantitative characters (yield and plant height) controlled by different genes and qualita...
Based on the considerations related to the characteristics of cassava, centers of origin, and the traditional system of cultivation, several conclusions were made regarding the relationships between the plant and NPFs, constituted by disease and pest pressures and edaphic and climatic factors. It...
Lozano, J.C.
Byrne, D.
Bellotti, Anthony C.
[The relationships between cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), ecosystems, diseases and pests and their influence on breeding strategy]
The relationships between cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), ecosystems, diseases and pests and their influence on breeding strategy
Ceballos, H.
Calle, F
Gómez N., J.
Navas Ríos, GE
Aristizábal Quintero, D.
Garzón Albarracín, V
[Recomendaciones de producción y uso del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta) en los Llanos Orientales]
Recomendaciones de producción y uso del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta) en los Llanos Orientales
The Central American Adaptation Nursery (VIDAC 1988), comprising the best black- and red-seeded lines evaluated in the 1987 VIDAC, was established to identify well-adapted bean genotypes and obtain information on their degree of resistance to different crop problems. Outstanding (1) black-seeded ...
A summary is presented of results of trials conducted as part of the collaborative agreement between the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario and CIAT on bean research during 1981 in La Selva, Antioquia (Colombia). During germplasm evaluation, 112 promising materials were identified for their adapta...
Studies were conducted at CIAT to test a new methodology (1) to improve F3, yields through the use of a hierarchical exptl design (a 9 x 9 lattice with 3 replications, with lines grouped according to the design, without taking into accont the family of origin) and (2) to select beans in associati...
Davis, J.
García, S.
Tejada, G
[Seleccion en generaciones tempranas de frijoles volubles en asociacion con maiz]
Seleccion en generaciones tempranas de frijoles volubles en asociacion con maiz
Towards the end of 1977, the Bush Bean Architectural Improvement Project at CIAT was started with the following objectives: (1) to reduce yield differences between small- and large-seeded types; (2) increase yield capacity and (3) make the crop more attractive and competitive for the different pr...
Gutiérrez, J.A.
[Estado actual del mejoramiento por arquitectura en el frijol arbustivo]
Estado actual del mejoramiento por arquitectura en el frijol arbustivo