The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) commissioned this report from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) to summarize the current state of negotiations towards a decision in Co...
Verchot, Louis V.
Petkova, E.
[El estado de las negociaciones REDD: Puntos de consenso, opciones para seguir avanzando y necesidades de investigación para respaldar el proceso]
El estado de las negociaciones REDD: Puntos de consenso, opciones para seguir avanzando y necesidades de investigación para respaldar el proceso
Barr, C.
Dermawan, A.
Purnomo, H.
Komarudin, H.
[Readiness for REDD: financial governance and lessons from Indonesia’s Reforestation Fund (RF)]
Readiness for REDD: financial governance and lessons from Indonesia’s Reforestation Fund (RF)
The objective of REDD payment distribution mechanisms is to support policies and measures that reduce deforestation and degradation through transfer of revenues from international REDD funds or carbon markets to (or within) national levels. This may provide benefits of three types: a) shared resp...
Noordwijk, Meine van
Purnomo, H.
Peskett, L.
Setiono, B.
[Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Indonesia: options and challenges for fair and efficient payment distribution mechanisms]
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Indonesia: options and challenges for fair and efficient payment distribution mechanisms
Larson, A.M.
Barry, D.M.
Dahal, G.R.
Colfer, C.J.P.
[Reconocimiento de los derechos comunitarios: El potencial y los retos de la reforma de la tenencia de los bosques]
Reconocimiento de los derechos comunitarios: El potencial y los retos de la reforma de la tenencia de los bosques
Larson, A.M.
Barry, D.M.
Dahal, G.R.
Colfer, C.J.P.
[Reconnaissance des droits des communautes la reforme de la tenure forestiere: potentialities et defis]
Reconnaissance des droits des communautes la reforme de la tenure forestiere: potentialities et defis
Kanninen, M.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Seymour, F.
Angelsen, A.
Wunder, Sven
German, L.
[Apakah hutan dapat tumbuh di atas uang?: Implikasi penelitian deforestasi bagi kebijakan yang mendukung REDD]
Apakah hutan dapat tumbuh di atas uang?: Implikasi penelitian deforestasi bagi kebijakan yang mendukung REDD
This article reports on findings from a research project, in more than 30 sites in 10 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, aimed at analyzing cases where changes in formal tenure rights for forest-based communities had recently occurred or were in process. Though by far largest proportion...
Larson, A.M.
Barry, D.M.
Dahal, G.R.
[New Rights for forest-based communities?: understanding processes of forest tenure reform]
New Rights for forest-based communities?: understanding processes of forest tenure reform
Armas, A.
Borner, J.
Tito, M.R.
Díaz, L.
Tapia-Coral, S.C.
Wunder, Sven
Reymond, L.
Nascimento, N.
[Pagos por servicios ambientales para la conservación de bosques en la Amazonía peruana: un análisis de viabilidad]
Pagos por servicios ambientales para la conservación de bosques en la Amazonía peruana: un análisis de viabilidad
Many of the services supplied by nature are externalities. Economic theory suggests that some form of subsidy or contracting between the beneficiaries and the providers could result in an optimal supply of environmental services. Moreover, if the poor own resources that give them a comparative ad...
Pattanayak, S.K.
Wunder, Sven
Ferraro, P.J.
[Show me the money: do payments supply environmental services in developing countries?]
Show me the money: do payments supply environmental services in developing countries?
Integrated agriculture and forestry land-use practices are critical in countries like Sudan, which faces accelerated deforestation, as they can make land-use and agricultural production systems more sustainable. The accelerated loss of forest vegetation is often perceived to result from increased...
Kalame, F.B.
Luukkanen, O.
Elsiddig, E.A.
Glover, E.K.
[Tree knowledge and livelihood activities in a changing environment: views from smallholder farmers in Kosti, Sudan]
Tree knowledge and livelihood activities in a changing environment: views from smallholder farmers in Kosti, Sudan