Recent studies show that carbon
sequestered by trees on agricultural
land is not well accounted for. If it was,
researchers argue in a new study: “Global
Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on
Agricultural Land: The contribution
of agroforestry to global and national
carbon budgets,” total carbon estim...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Big win: Trees on agricultural land sink four times more carbon]
Big win: Trees on agricultural land sink four times more carbon
The importance of cassava relative to other crops in the cropping system was almost total; cassava was present in 70% of arable fields; maize and beans or peas were each present in 13% of arable fields and all other crops were present in 4%. Cassava was produced mostly for sale, yet it was not as...
Nweke, F.
Lutete, D.
Dixon, A.
Ugwu, B.
Ajobo, O.
Kalombo, N.
Bukaka, B.
[Cassava production and processing in the Democratic Republic of Congo: COSCA working paper, No 22]
Cassava production and processing in the Democratic Republic of Congo: COSCA working paper, No 22
Climate-smart villages mean implementing a portfolio of best locally suited climate-smart agricultural practices in an integrated manner to build resilience of the local community. Land and water interventions form a crucial part of a climate-smart agricultural practices portfolio, with water ava...
Alam, Mohammad Faiz
Sikka, Alok K.
[Prioritizing Land and Water Interventions for Climate-Smart Villages]
Prioritizing Land and Water Interventions for Climate-Smart Villages
Research in 1973 attributed large cassava root yield differences among three villages in southeast Nigeria to equally large population density differences. In 1993, the Nigerian national team of the Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa (COSCA) went back to the three villages to see whether po...
Enete, A.
Nweke, F.
Okorji, E.
[Trens in food crop yields under demographic pressure in subSaharan Africa: the case of cassava in Southeast Nigeria]
Trens in food crop yields under demographic pressure in subSaharan Africa: the case of cassava in Southeast Nigeria
Sampling and analysis or visual examination of soil to assess its status and use potential is widely practiced from plot to national scales. However, the choice of relevant soil attributes and interpretation of measurements are not straightforward, because of the complexity and site-specificity o...
Bünemann, Else K.
Bongiorno, Giulia
Bai, Zhanguo
Creamer, Rachel E.
Deyn, Gerlinde de
Goede, Ron G.M. de
Fleskens, Luuk
Geissen, Violette
Kuyper, Thomas W.
Mäder, Paul
Pulleman, Mirjam
Sukkel, Wijnand
Groenigen, Jan Willem van
Brussaard, Lijbert
[Soil quality – A critical review]
Soil quality – A critical review
The overall project goal is to improve food security and farming system resilience of smallholder mixed crop-livestock farmers in East Africa while mitigating climate change through wide-scale adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA). The project integrates interdisciplinary approaches, includ...
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Läderach, Peter
Mwongera, Caroline
Twyman, Jennifer
Mashisia, Kelvin
Okolo, Wendy
Eitzinger, Anton
Rodríguez, Beatriz
[Increasing Food Security and Farming System Resilience in East Africa through Wide-Scale Adoption of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices]
Increasing Food Security and Farming System Resilience in East Africa through Wide-Scale Adoption of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices
IMPACTlite survey dataset: detailed information about household composition, production systems and activities, land and labour allocatio n, income from on farm and off farm activities, household consumption of food, and asset, with a particular gender lens on control over resources, land ownersh...
Silvestri, Silvia
Rufino, Mariana C.
Quirós, Carlos F.
Douxchamps, Sabine
Teufel, Nils
Singh, Dhiraj
Mutie, Ianetta
Ndiwa, Nicholas N.
Ndungu, Anthony
Kiplimo, Jasper
Wijk, Mark T. van
Herrero, Mario T.
[Impact Lite Dataset]
Impact Lite Dataset
Cerutti, P.O.
Artati, Y.
Dermawan, A.
Kelly, A
Lescuyer, G.
Mejía, E.
Obidzinski, K.
Pacheco, P.
Putzel, L.
Tsanga, R.
Wardell, D.A.
[Pilihan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan integrasi pasar kayu domestik di bawah tatanan Kerjasama Kemitraan Sukarela (VPA): Sebuah sintesis pembelajaran dari Kamerun, Republik Demokratik Kongo, Ekuador, Gabon dan Indonesia]
Pilihan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan integrasi pasar kayu domestik di bawah tatanan Kerjasama Kemitraan Sukarela (VPA): Sebuah sintesis pembelajaran dari Kamerun, Republik Demokratik Kongo, Ekuador, Gabon dan Indonesia
Jadmiko, S.D.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Faqih, A.
[Climate Changes Projection for Land and Forest Fire Risk Assessment in West Kalimantan]
Climate Changes Projection for Land and Forest Fire Risk Assessment in West Kalimantan
Frison, Emile A.
Ikin, R.
[FAO/IBPGR technical guidelines for the safe movement of grapevine germplasm]
FAO/IBPGR technical guidelines for the safe movement of grapevine germplasm