Desde 1972 se han introducido mas de 700 accesiones de gramineas y leguminosas tropicales para evaluacion y seleccion en Malaysia. Sin embargo, se ha seleccionado para cultivo una gran variedad de gramineas pero pocas leguminosas. Aunque el clima calido y humedo favorece el crecimiento vegetativo...
Chen, C.P.
Ahmad Tajuddin, Z.
[Situation and outlook of forage research and production in Peninsular Malaysia]
Situation and outlook of forage research and production in Peninsular Malaysia
Se dan recomendaciones para 4 zonas agroclimaticas (zona montanosa, zona intermedia, zona seca y Triangulo Cocotero) en cuanto a especies de pasturas (gramineas, leguminosas, arboles forrajeros), rendimiento, fertilizacion y practicas de manejo segun la alt. para Sri Lanka, donde la ganaderia de ...
Liyanage, L.V.K.
[Pasture and fodder production in Sri Lanka: Present status and future trends]
Pasture and fodder production in Sri Lanka: Present status and future trends
Se indica la estructura del Consejo Filipino para el Desarrollo e Investigacion para la Agricultura, Silvicultura y Recursos Naturales. En el caso especifico de forrajes, pasturas y praderas, los objetivos principales son la produccion de cultivos forrajeros de alta calidad y el desarrollo de esq...
Faylon, P.S.
Lanting, E.F.
[Forage, pasture, and grassland research and development program of the Philippines]
Forage, pasture, and grassland research and development program of the Philippines
En Tailandia no existe un organismo nacional oficial que coordine, supervise o administre el trabajo de investigacion en forrajeras. Recientemente se establecio una red de investigacion con un coordinador a nivel nacional y representantes de varias instituciones que realizan investigacion relacio...
The factors of grazing management that influence tropical pasture utilization are discussed in this review. The principal objective is to consider stocking rate and grazing system effects-and their interaction-as related to the evaluation of germplasm under grazing. It is inferred that the study ...
Variations in sward canopy structure can exert an important influence on the ingestive behavior of grazing animals and hence on herbage intake and utilization. In tropical swards, the structural characteristics of major importance appear to be total herbage density or leaf bulk density and leaf-t...
Hodgson, John
[Relationship between pasture structure and utilization of tropical forage plants]
Relationship between pasture structure and utilization of tropical forage plants
Se presentan datos generales sobre las estadisticas de poblacion en Peru y se describen varios aspectos de la region amazonica en cuanto a suelos, clima y ecologia, capacidad y uso actual de la tierra, infraestructura vial y efecto de la colonizacion. Se resumen los logros alcanzados en la invest...
Reynolds, SG
[Contributions to yield, nitrogen fixation and transfer by local and exotic legumes in tropical grass-legume mixtures in Western Samoa]
Contributions to yield, nitrogen fixation and transfer by local and exotic legumes in tropical grass-legume mixtures in Western Samoa
In 1998, Fisher et al. attempted to draw together published and anecdotal information to answer some of the questions raised by the findings of Fisher et al. (1994; 1995), that introduced pastures of African grasses on the eastern plains of Colombia accumulated large amounts of C in the soil. Thi...
Fisher, Myles J.
Santos, R.S.M. dos
Alves, B.J.R.
Boddey, Robert M.
[Another dimension to grazing systems : Soil carbon]
Another dimension to grazing systems : Soil carbon
A small-plot grazing trial was conducted to assess selection by oesophageal-fistulated steers of 5 shrubby legumes adapted to acid, low-fertility soils (Centrosema arenarium, Desmodium strigillosum, D. velutinum, Flemingia macrophylla, and Tadehagi triquetrum) and the herbaceous Centrosema acutif...
Thomas, D.
Schultze-Kraft, Rainer
[Evaluation of five shrubby legumes in comparison with Centrosema acutifolium, Carimagua, Colombia]
Evaluation of five shrubby legumes in comparison with Centrosema acutifolium, Carimagua, Colombia