In this film, Purvi Mehta-Bhatt, formerly with ILRI in India, speaks about communicating complexity within EcoHealth at the EcoHealth 2014 conference in Montreal, Canada on 15 August 2014.
Hung Nguyen, ILRI regional representative for East and Southeast Asia, explains the concept of One Health and its application in tackling zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance, and food safety.
This film gives a quick introduction to the mNutrition Initiative that is bringing safe, factual and targeted mobile advisory messages on health and agriculture to over 3 million people in 12 African and Asian countries.
International Livestock Research Institute
[The mNutrition initiative content development stream]
The mNutrition initiative content development stream
IITA is an award-winning, research-for-development (R4D) organization, providing solutions to hunger, poverty, and the degradation of natural resources in Africa. Since 1967, IITA has worked with international and national partners to improve livelihoods, enhance food and nutrition security, incr...
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
[The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)]
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
This keynote was prepared by Delia Grace, ILRI program leader of Animal Human Health and presented by Hung Nguyen, ILRI regional representative for East and Southeast Asia at the Regional Symposium on Research into Smallholder Pig Production, Health and Pork Safety. The Symposium was co-hosted by...
Grace, Delia
Hung Nguyen-Viet
[Keynote: ILRI research on foodborne diseases associated with pigs]
Keynote: ILRI research on foodborne diseases associated with pigs
Robinson, Timothy P.
Wint, W.
Conchedda, G.
Cinardi, G.
Boeckel, Thomas P. van
Bett, Bernard K.
Gilbert, M.
[The global livestock sector: Trends and health implications]
The global livestock sector: Trends and health implications
This photofilm describes the work and expected impact of the ILRI-Wellcome Trust 'People Animals and Their Zoonoses Project' that is investigating the impact of disease pathogens in people and animals in Busia district in western Kenya.
International Livestock Research Institute
[The connection between animal disease and human health]
The connection between animal disease and human health
TS Nguyễn Việt Hùng, trưởng đại diện Viện Nghiên cứu Chăn nuôi Quốc tế (ILRI) tại Đông và Đông Nam Á giải thích về khái niệm Một Sức khỏe và việc áp dụng cách tiếp cận này trong việc giải quyết một số vấn đề bệnh tật mới nổi như các bệnh lây truyền từ động vật sang người, kháng kháng sinh, và an ...