The world economy experienced significant growth and transformation, with increases in productivity, product quality, and export base diversification in the 1990s. These advances were mainly driven by the growth of traditional agricultural and industrial sectors, including the natural resource-ba...
Dodds, J.H.
Ortiz, R.
Crouch, J.H.
Mahalasksmi, V.
Sharma, K.K.
[Biotechnology, the gene revolution, and proprietary technology in agriculture: a strategic note for the World Bank]
Biotechnology, the gene revolution, and proprietary technology in agriculture: a strategic note for the World Bank
During this lecture, the Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecturer Mr. Amoako, tried to convey his idea of sustainable development and why it has declined in Africa over the last 30 years. He argues that sustainability is a direct function of institutional development, human and physical capital accum...
Amoako, K.Y.
[Harnessing technologies for sustainable development in Africa. Fifth annual Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecture]
Harnessing technologies for sustainable development in Africa. Fifth annual Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecture
Dewi, S.
Puntodewo, A.
Belcher, B.
[Estimating potential rattan cultivation area using Remote Sensing, GIS, and socio-economic data; a test of the method in the districts of Pasir and Kutai, East Kalimantan]
Estimating potential rattan cultivation area using Remote Sensing, GIS, and socio-economic data; a test of the method in the districts of Pasir and Kutai, East Kalimantan
The Landscape Mosaics Project is a global research project coordinated by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC). The project examines biodiversity in tropical, forested, mul...
Watts, J.D.
Kanyasone, V.
Vongkhamsao, V.
[Pathways to participatory landscape governance in Northern Laos: the role of Information and Communication Technologies]
Pathways to participatory landscape governance in Northern Laos: the role of Information and Communication Technologies
Only recently, ethnobotany has cought the interest of actors involved in the sustainable management of natural resources based on local ecological knowledge. In the perspective of conceiving a website for the African Ethnobotany Network (AEN), a preliminary study was undertaken in order to assess...
Petit, C.
Dounias, E.
[L'ethnobotanique sur internet: quelles perspectives pour le Réseau Africain d'Ethnobotanique?]
L'ethnobotanique sur internet: quelles perspectives pour le Réseau Africain d'Ethnobotanique?
Researchers now use information & communications technology (ICT) to gather information more effectively from the field. Sander Muilerman, Juanita Schläpfer and Eugenio Tisselli discuss how ICTs can also give them the possibility to help share knowledge in local communities.
Arnaud, Elizabeth
Mackay, M.
Endresen, T.F.D.
Dias, S.
Sood, R.
Viparthi, K.
Skofic, M.
Alercia, A.
Franco, T.
Atieno, F.
[A global information system for the conservation and sustainable use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA)]
A global information system for the conservation and sustainable use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA)
We describe an electronic injury surveillance system that provides data for improving patient care and monitoring injury incidence and distribution patterns. Patients with injuries visiting a rural Kenyan primary care center were enrolled consecutively over 14 months. Injury information was added...
Odero, W.
Rotich, J.
Yiannoutsos, C.T.
Ouna, T.
Tierney, W.M.
[Innovative approaches to application of information technology in disease surveillance and prevention in western Kenya]
Innovative approaches to application of information technology in disease surveillance and prevention in western Kenya
This paper examines the needs for forest science for the 21st century and ways of organising research to meet them. The world of the 21st century will be one of knowledge-based societies and globalised economies. The need for global stewardship of the environmental and social values of forests is...
Byron, R.N.
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
[Organising forestry research to meet the challenges of the information age]
Organising forestry research to meet the challenges of the information age