Maize production is constrained by Striga hermonthica in Mali leading to high yield losses. Breeding resistant hybrid maize is a promising alternative for increasing farmers’ income. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of test crosses to Striga hermonthica and identify high y...
Sangaré, S.
Menkir, A.
Ofori, K.
Gracen, V.
[Combining ability for grain yield, agronomic traits and striga hermonthica resistance of yellow endosperm maize]
Combining ability for grain yield, agronomic traits and striga hermonthica resistance of yellow endosperm maize
In Mali, 1205 mangos (Mangifera indicaL.) were sampled between April and September 2000 andplaced under observation. We recovered 7518 adults of six species of Ceratitis, namely C. cosyra (Walker), C. silvestriiBezzi, C. quinaria (Bezzi), C. fasciventris (Bezzi), C. anonae Graham and C. ditissima...
Vayssières, Jean-François
Wharton, R.
Delvare, G.
Sanogo, F.
[Diversity and pest control potential of Hymenopteran parasitoids of Ceratitis spp (Diptera, Tephritidae) from mangos in Mali]
Diversity and pest control potential of Hymenopteran parasitoids of Ceratitis spp (Diptera, Tephritidae) from mangos in Mali
Au Mali, la production annuelle de mangues est estimée à 100 000 t. Du fait de problèmes structurels et phytosanitaires principalement liés à l'action des mouches des fruits, rarement plus de 1 % de cette production est exporté. L'objectif principal de cette étude a été de mettre au point une lut...
Vayssières, Jean-François
Sanogo, F.
Noussourou, M.
[Inventaire des especes de mouches des fruits (Diptera tephritidae) infeodees au manguier au Mali et essais de lutte raisonnee]
Inventaire des especes de mouches des fruits (Diptera tephritidae) infeodees au manguier au Mali et essais de lutte raisonnee