In the Sahel of West Africa, the productivities of rangelands, croplands and livestock are inextricably linked. Cattle, sheep and goats graze rangelands and crop residues, and their manure/urine is used to fertilize crops. Rangelands provide important feeds during the manuring period, resulting i...
Powell, J.M.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Turner, M.D.
[Nutrient cycling in integrated rangeland/cropland systems of the Sahel]
Nutrient cycling in integrated rangeland/cropland systems of the Sahel
Nutrient balances are useful tools as indicators of potential land degradation and for optimizing nutrient use, and are thus highly relevant in the African context. A comprehensive literature review on nutrient balances in Africa was carried out to illustrate the main approaches, challenges, and ...
Cobo Borrero, Juan G.
Dercon, G.
Cadisch, Georg
[Nutrient balances in African land use systems across different spatial scales: a review of approaches, challenges and progress]
Nutrient balances in African land use systems across different spatial scales: a review of approaches, challenges and progress
El uso de cultivos forrajeros para corte y acarreo o para ensilar es una alternativa para reducir los efectos negativos de la época seca en la alimentación de animales en sistemas ganaderos doble propósito en el trópico seco. Por otra parte, el uso de abonos verdes de leguminosas es una alternati...
Castro, R.E.
Sierra, E.
Mojica, J.E.
Carulla, Juan E.
Lascano, Carlos E.
[Efecto de especies y manejo de abonos verdes de leguminosas en la producción y calidad de un cultivo forrajero utilizado en sistemas ganaderos del trópico seco]
Efecto de especies y manejo de abonos verdes de leguminosas en la producción y calidad de un cultivo forrajero utilizado en sistemas ganaderos del trópico seco
Nitrogen (N) has been gradually depleted from West African soils and now poses serious threats to food production. Many ways of increasing N supply (e.g. judicious use of inorganic fertilizers and nitrogen-fixing plants) have been tried in West African farming systems. Herbaceous and woody legume...
Sanginga, N.
[Role of biological nitrogen fixation in legume based cropping systems; a case study of West Africa farming systems]
Role of biological nitrogen fixation in legume based cropping systems; a case study of West Africa farming systems
Plant architecture and N fertilizer may limit the performance of intercropped maize (Zea mays L.) and cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers] cultivars. This paper describes an experiment in which cultivars of maize and cowpea were intercropped and fertilized with varying rates of N. The cowpea c...
Ezumah, H.C.
Nam, N.K.
Walker, P.
[Maize-cowpea intercropping as affected by nitrogen fertilization]
Maize-cowpea intercropping as affected by nitrogen fertilization
Our study on soil N dynamics was conducted in the rainy season of 2005 and 2006. It focused on the effects of soil managements with sole and combined applications of mineral and organic fertilizers in the long-term experiment conducted since 1993 in the Niamey Center of the International Crop Res...
Suzuki, K.
Matsunaga, R.
Hayashi, K.
Matsumoto, N.
Tobita, S.
Bationo, B. André
Okada, K.
[Effects of long-term application of mineral and organic fertilizers on dynamics of nitrogen pools in the sandy soil of the Sahel region, Niger]
Effects of long-term application of mineral and organic fertilizers on dynamics of nitrogen pools in the sandy soil of the Sahel region, Niger
Teutscherova, Nikola
Vásquez, Eduardo
Arango, Jacobo
Arévalo, Ashly
Benito, Marta
Pulleman, Mirjam
[Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, but suppress N2O emissions after fertilization]
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, but suppress N2O emissions after fertilization
Epper, Carole A.
Paul, Birthe K.
Burra, Dharani Dhar
Phengsavanh, Phonepaseuth
Ritzema, Randall S.
Syfongxay, Saysompheng
Groot, Jeroen C.J.
Six, Johan
Frossard, Emmanuel
Oberson, Astrid
Douxchamps, Sabine
[Nutrient flows and intensification options for smallholder farmers of the Lao uplands]
Nutrient flows and intensification options for smallholder farmers of the Lao uplands
Burkart, Stefan
Enciso, Karen
Karwat, Hannes
Moreta, Danilo
Arango, Jacobo
Cadisch, Georg
Peters, Michael
[Economic analysis of maize production and nitrogen use efficiency in rotation with Brachiaria humidicola]
Economic analysis of maize production and nitrogen use efficiency in rotation with Brachiaria humidicola
Improving fertilizer recommendations for farmers is essential to increase food security in smallholder landscapes. Currently, blanket recommendations are provided across agro-ecological zones, although fertilizer response and nutrient use efficiency by maize crop are spatially variable. We aimed ...
Ichami, Stephen M.
Shepherd, Keith D.
Sila, Andrew M.
Stoorvogel, Jetse J.
Hoffland, Ellis
[Fertilizer response and nitrogen use efficiency in African smallholder maize farms]
Fertilizer response and nitrogen use efficiency in African smallholder maize farms