The capacity-building Workshop for National Focal Points in Latin America and the Caribbean on Mutually Supportive Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, was held 25-28 September 2018 at the International Potato Cen...
Ellis, D.
Gullotta, G.
Halewood, Michael
Argumedo, A.
Garforth, K.
Toledo, A.
['Workshop for Nagoya Protocol and Plant Treaty National Focal Points in Latin America and the Caribbean’]
'Workshop for Nagoya Protocol and Plant Treaty National Focal Points in Latin America and the Caribbean’
Cette note présente les points saillants du projet « Le renforcement des capacités nationales pour la mise en œuvre du Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture », qui a été coordonné par Bioversity dans le cadre du Programme commun de renforceme...
Vernooy, R. (comp.)
[Le renforcement des capacités nationales pour la mise en œuvre du Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture : Points saillants du projetectos del Tratado]
Le renforcement des capacités nationales pour la mise en œuvre du Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture : Points saillants du projetectos del Tratado
Bellon, M.
Hellin, J.
[Planting hybrids, keeping landraces: agricultural modernization and tradition among small-Scale maize farmers in Chiapas, Mexico]
Planting hybrids, keeping landraces: agricultural modernization and tradition among small-Scale maize farmers in Chiapas, Mexico
Engels, J.
Rudebjer, P.G.
[Strengthening institutions and organizations, and building capacity for the conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity]
Strengthening institutions and organizations, and building capacity for the conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity
In the last 20 years, Bioversity International has coordinated or has been involved in a number of initiatives, projects and activities that contribute to the implementation of Article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). In this note, we su...
López Noriega, I.
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
[Bioversity International’s contributions to the implementation of article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture]
Bioversity International’s contributions to the implementation of article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Bhattarai, C.
Bhatta, M.R.
Pant, K.P.
Gauchan, D.
Shrestha, P.K.
Devkota, R.
Ghimire, K.H.
Pandey, B.
Upadhya, D.
Joshi, B.K.
[Creating the legal environment for implementing the multilateral system in Nepal]
Creating the legal environment for implementing the multilateral system in Nepal
This article analyses 25 years of data about international movements of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), facilitated by the gene banks hosted by seven centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. It identifies trends in the movements of PGRFA ...
Galluzzi, Gea
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, I.
Vernooy, Ronnie
[Twenty-five years of international exchanges of plant genetic resources facilitated by the CGIAR genebanks: a case study on global interdependence]
Twenty-five years of international exchanges of plant genetic resources facilitated by the CGIAR genebanks: a case study on global interdependence
Uganda acceded to the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGTFA) in the year 2003. Despite this, there are still gaps in implementation of the treaty in the country. The article provides insights into the systemic interactions and coalitions among actors i...
Otieno, G.A.
Mulumba, J.W.
Wedajoo, A.S.
Lee, M.J.
Kiwuka, C.
Omara, R.O.
Adokorach, Joyce
Zaake, E.
Halewood, Michael
[Networks and coalitions in the implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Uganda]
Networks and coalitions in the implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Uganda
Access and benefit sharing of plant genetic resources is a crucial but very complex, political and legalistic matter. Does the formal system work for family farmers? It poses many challenges. At the same time, farmers around the world are leading successful initiatives for access and benefit shar...
Pistorius, R.
Bruil, J.
Vernooy, Ronnie
[Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources. Making it work for family farmers]
Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources. Making it work for family farmers