Efforts to develop cassava technology for the vast areas of acid infertile soils were continued Large-scale germplasm screening in the field was begun in Carimagua for tolerance to low levels of P and acidity and in Quilichao, for tolerance to low levels of P. Various fertilizer trials were used ...
Se continuaron los esfuerzos para desarrollar tecnologia de yuca adecuada para las vastas extensiones de suelos acidos e infertiles; en Carimagua se inicio la seleccion de germoplasma en gran escala a nivel de campo para buscar tolerancia a bajos niveles de P y a la acidez y en Quilichao toleranc...
Efforts to develop cassava technology for the vast areas of acid infertile soils were continued Large-scale germplasm screening in the field was begun in Carimagua for tolerance to low levels of P and acidity and in Quilichao, for tolerance to low levels of P. Various fertilizer trials were used ...
Se continuaron los esfuerzos para desarrollar tecnologia de yuca adecuada para las vastas extensiones de suelos acidos e infertiles; en Carimagua se inicio la seleccion de germoplasma en gran escala a nivel de campo para buscar tolerancia a bajos niveles de P y a la acidez y en Quilichao toleranc...
Nutritional studies of cassava have shown that in high-P acid laterite soils, there was no response to P application during four years of consecutive cropping. In low-P soil, even though cassava initially responded to 100 kg P2O5/ha, the response gradually declined. The optimum economic dose of P...
Mohankumar, C.R.
Potty, V.P.
Ravindran, C.S.
Kabeerathumma, S.
Sudharmai Devi, C.R.
[Progress in agronomy research in India]
Progress in agronomy research in India
Annual growth of cassava production in the main cassava production areas during the last five years seems to have kept pace with the increase in population, while the harvested area of cassava increased only 0.6% annually. Of the total cassava produced, about 54% is used for human food, 28% for i...
Wargiono, J.
Suyamto, H.
Guritno, Bambang
[Recent progress in cassava agronomy research in Indonesia]
Recent progress in cassava agronomy research in Indonesia
In recent years the National Root and Tuber Crops Program of Vietnam, with the cooperation and assistance of the Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CI AT), has drawn up a plan for strengthening the research and development capacity, with the objective of improving cassava production in...
Nguyen Huu Hy
Pham, Van Bien
Nguyen The Dang
Thai Phien
[Recent progress in cassava agronomy research in Vietnam]
Recent progress in cassava agronomy research in Vietnam
During the last three years cassava production in the Philippines did not progress markedly, neither in area nor in volume. In terms of area, there was only an increase of 14,424 ha or 6.4%, while in terms of volume the increase was 112,177 metric tons or 5.7%. One of the reasons for this was the...
Evangelio, Fernando A.
Ladera, Julieta C.
[Recent progress in cassava agronomy research in the Philippines]
Recent progress in cassava agronomy research in the Philippines
Lynam, John K.
[Metodología en los ensayos de yuca a nivel de fincas: (Una evaluación intermedia)]
Metodología en los ensayos de yuca a nivel de fincas: (Una evaluación intermedia)
Desde 1981, PROFRIJOL es el mecanismo regional de apoyo a los programas de frijol de los países de la región. Realiza investigaciones relacionadas con los aspectos bióticos y abióticos que afectan al cultivo y con sus resultados se persigue contribuir a] incremento de la producción y a mejorar la...
Rodríguez C., Rafael Raúl
[Evolución de integración de la investigación del frijol en América Central, México y El Caribe: PROFRIJOL]
Evolución de integración de la investigación del frijol en América Central, México y El Caribe: PROFRIJOL
En Costa Rica, el promedio del área sembrada de frijol en el período de 1986-96 fue de 55,765 ha., con una producción de 30,653 TM, para una productividad de 558.5 kg/ha y un consumo per cápita de 11.43 kg. Las dos principales zonas productoras son la Brunca (9,25" longitud O. 83,00" latitud N.) ...
Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
[Sistema nacional de investigación de frijol en Costa Rica: Logros, dificultades y futuro]
Sistema nacional de investigación de frijol en Costa Rica: Logros, dificultades y futuro
Research of the physiology section was centered on identifying the characters associated with high root yields and quality in cassava under stress conditions. Plant reaction to water stress was studied, specifically regarding growth and yields of var. M Mex 59 and M Col 22 with a period of artifi...
El enfasis de las investigaciones de la seccion de fisiologia se centro en la identificacion de los caracteres asociados con un alto rendimiento y calidad de las raices en condiciones de estres. Se estudiaron las reacciones de la planta a la sequia, especificamente el desarrollo y los rendimiento...