Gorontalo’s tropical forest is of global importance and is the last stronghold for conserving Sulawesi’s unique biodiversity. However, implementation of biodiversity conservation at the local level has been fraught with very complex, rooted in increased pressures on natural resources and its ecol...
Kartikasari, S.N.
Rixecker, S.
Espiner, S.R.
Colfer, C.J.P.
[Seeing the forest as more than its trees: local stakeholders’ perceptions of natural forest benefits in Gorontalo, Indonesia]
Seeing the forest as more than its trees: local stakeholders’ perceptions of natural forest benefits in Gorontalo, Indonesia
Dry land resources have national and global significance. Ethiopia, in particular, is a dry land country whose resources are yet to be managed properly if they are to contribute meaningfully to the country’s socio-economic development and environmental resilience. Using major findings of several ...
Lemenih, Mulugeta
Kassa, H.
[Socio-economic and environmental significance of dry land resources of Ethiopia and their development challenges]
Socio-economic and environmental significance of dry land resources of Ethiopia and their development challenges
Theory informs us that decentralisation, a process through which powers, responsibilities and resources are devolved by the central state to lower territorial entities and regionally/locally elected bodies, increases efficiency, participation, equity, and environmental sustainability. Many types ...
Oyono, P.R.
[One step forward, two steps back?: paradoxes of natural resources management decentralisation in Cameroon]
One step forward, two steps back?: paradoxes of natural resources management decentralisation in Cameroon
Limberg, G.
Iwan, R.
Sudana, M.
Hartono, A.
Henry, M.
Hernawan, D.
Mamung, D.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Moeliono, M.
[Profil desa-desa di Kabupaten Malinau: kondisi sosial ekonomi di desa-desa]
Profil desa-desa di Kabupaten Malinau: kondisi sosial ekonomi di desa-desa
This article concerned with the diverse nature and interest in the concept of 'community' and especially as it applies to community-based natural resource management projects that have grown in emphasis during the past twenty years. Despite all the rhetoric about community and its reference in a ...
Governments in tropical countries are still responding to increasing forest degradation by implementing different types of protected areas. In general, due to their negative image as causes of deforestation, local communities are being excluded from any management role in these conservation areas...
Boissiere, M.
Sheil, Douglas
Basuki, I.
Wan, M.
Le, H.
[Can engaging local people’s interests reduce forest degradation in Central Vietnam?]
Can engaging local people’s interests reduce forest degradation in Central Vietnam?
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Basuki, I.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Meijaard, E.
Moeliono, M.
Sheil, Douglas
Gunarso, P.
Dounias, E.
[Perencanaan interaktif tata guna lahan pada lanskap hutan tropis di Indonesia: Menghubungkan kembali rencana dengan praktek lapangan]
Perencanaan interaktif tata guna lahan pada lanskap hutan tropis di Indonesia: Menghubungkan kembali rencana dengan praktek lapangan
Sheil, Douglas
Padmanaba, M.
Heist, M. van
Basuki, I.
Liswanti, N.
Wan, M.
Puri, R.K.
Rachmatika, I.
Samsoedin, I.
[Mengkaji pentingnya konservasi dari persepsi masyarakat lokal dan pemanfaatan berbagai lanskap hutan]
Mengkaji pentingnya konservasi dari persepsi masyarakat lokal dan pemanfaatan berbagai lanskap hutan