The resettlement of people from human-inhabited protected areas (HIPAs) is a contentious point in the people-and-parks debate. This article illustrates the setbacks that can arise from conservation-and-development projects where these two realms of local reality are separated through resettlement...
Diaw, C.
Tiani, A.M.
[Fences in our heads: a discourse analysis of the korup resettlement stalemate]
Fences in our heads: a discourse analysis of the korup resettlement stalemate
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
[Biodiversity: treasures in the world's forests - concluding statement of the Forum]
Biodiversity: treasures in the world's forests - concluding statement of the Forum
Forests are ubiquitous in the Democratic Republic of Congo; they touch the cultural and economic life of most of the population and have enormous global environmental significance. After years of conflicts and mismanagement, reconstruction is key to improving living conditions and consolidating p...
Debroux, L.
Hart, T.
Kaimowitz, D.
Karsenty, A.
Topa, G.
[Forests in post-conflict Democratic Republic of Congo: analysis of a priority agenda]
Forests in post-conflict Democratic Republic of Congo: analysis of a priority agenda
International nature conservation programs were originally driven by field biologists. As environment has assumed increasing prominence on the international political agenda, the role of biologists has been marginalised. International programs now have ambitious targets set by politicians and asp...
An attemps to pursue biodiversity objectives in both proteced areas and in production forests have often failed because the attribution of costs and benefits was unfair and regulations proved unenforceable. Most people would agree that biodiversity is most likely to be maintained if local benefit...
Gunarso, P.
Setyawati, T.
Sunderland, T.C.H.
Shackleton, Charlie M.
[Managing forest resources in a decentralized environment: lessons learnt from the Malinau research forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia]
Managing forest resources in a decentralized environment: lessons learnt from the Malinau research forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
In the Congo Basin, very large areas of species-rich forests exist in countries that are among the world's poorest. Decision makers and ordinary people in these countries are far more concerned about meeting short-term local and national needs than about long-term value of global biodiversity. Gi...
Neuenschwander, P.
Goergen, Georg E.
Sinsin, B.
[Basic information for developing a red list for Benin]
[Information de base pour développer une liste rouge pour le Bénin]
Information de base pour développer une liste rouge pour le Bénin
The past three decades have seen significant investments in programs to protect forests in developing countries. As a result the number and aggregate area of National Parks and equivalent protected areas have grown considerably. But a recent report released by WWF/World Bank has concluded that on...