To determine the efficiency of utilization of organic matter in agricultural production, nitrogen flow was estimated within a village-farm model in the west of Niger, West Africa. Nitrogen was focused on in this study as it is known to be a major nutrient component of organic matter and one of th...
Hayashi, K.
Matsumoto, N.
Hayashi, E.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Shinjo, H.
Tabo, Ramadjita
Matsunaga, R.
Tobita, S.
[Estimation of nitrogen flow within a villagefarm model in Fakara region in Niger, Sahelian zone of West Africa]
Estimation of nitrogen flow within a villagefarm model in Fakara region in Niger, Sahelian zone of West Africa
Land degradation is a major challenge limiting crop production in Ethiopia. Integrated soil and water conservation is widely applied as a means to reverse the trend and increase productivity. This study investigated the effects of such integrated approaches at two sites, Jeldu and Diga, in Wester...
Erkossa, Teklu
Williams, Timothy O.
Laekemariam, F.
[Integrated soil, water and agronomic management effects on crop productivity and selected soil properties in Western Ethiopia]
Integrated soil, water and agronomic management effects on crop productivity and selected soil properties in Western Ethiopia
Low inherent soil fertility in the highly weathered and leached soils largely accounts for low and unsustained crop yields in most African countries. But in particular, the major nutrients, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), are commonly deficient in these soils. This scenario of nutrient depletion...
Okalebo, JR
Othieno, CO
Woomer, P.L.
Karanja, NKN
Semoka, JMR
Bekunda, Mateete A.
Mugendi, DN
Muasya, RM
Bationo, B. André
Mukhwana, EJ
[Available technologies to replenish soil fertility in East Africa]
Available technologies to replenish soil fertility in East Africa
Social capital has become a critical issue in agricultural development as it plays an important role in collective action, such as, management of common resources and collective marketing. Whilst literature exists on the role of social capital in the use and adoption of improved agricultural tech...
Njuki, Jemimah
Mapila, MT
Zingore, Shamie
Delve, Robert J.
[The dynamics of social capital in influencing use of soil management options in the Chinyanja Triangle of southern Africa]
The dynamics of social capital in influencing use of soil management options in the Chinyanja Triangle of southern Africa
The present study uses georeferenced community level data to study the adoption of improved cowpea in northern Nigeria. One objective of this study is to find out which factors of the community of village level are significant determinants of adoption of improved dual-purpose (DP) cowpea variatie...
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Okike, I.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Kruska, R.L.
Manyong, Victor M.
Singh, B.B.
[Evaluating adoption of new crop-livestock-soil-management technologies using georeferenced village-level data: the case of cowpea in the dry savannahs of West Africa]
Evaluating adoption of new crop-livestock-soil-management technologies using georeferenced village-level data: the case of cowpea in the dry savannahs of West Africa
Wangui, Elizabeth Edna
Okello, O.O.
Gardiner, A.J.
Kruska, R.L.
Baya, M.S.
Reid, Robin S.
[Land-use change after tsetse control in Kanyati communal land, northwestern Zimbabwe. Poster]
Land-use change after tsetse control in Kanyati communal land, northwestern Zimbabwe. Poster
This paper discusses the traditional management of vertisols and land-use types the broadbed maker (BBM) and its evolution; Maresha - a traditional plough; additional attachements to the BBM for improving tillage efficiency and resource conservation; the land-use intensification opportunities; an...
Astatke, A.
Jabbar, M.A.
[Low-cost animal drawn implements for Vertisol management and strategies for land use intensification]
Low-cost animal drawn implements for Vertisol management and strategies for land use intensification
Müller-Sämann, Karl M.
Restrepo M., José M.
[Conservación de suelos y aguas en la zona andina : Hacia el desarrollo de un concepto integral: Memorias]
Conservación de suelos y aguas en la zona andina : Hacia el desarrollo de un concepto integral: Memorias
Reviews vertisol management research experiences in Ethiopia. Discusses the relative potential of vertisols and Development of the Ethiopian Vertisol Program. Examines integration of research programmes and technology extension. Presents data on th economic evaluation of improved, animal-powered ...