L'activite agricole rend les terres cultivees sensible a l'erosion. Or cette demiere peut les render improductives. Les banquettes de niveau contribuent a la prevention de la plus spectaculaire des forms d' erosion. L' erosion en ravines. Le present fascicule fait etat du leve de plan et de la co...
Couper, D.C.
[Consevation des sols: utilization des banquettes a double courbure: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 6]
Consevation des sols: utilization des banquettes a double courbure: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 6
Research results published regarding the impact of soil and water conservation practices in the highland areas of Ethiopia have been inconsistent and scattered. In this paper, a detailed review and synthesis is reported that was conducted to identify the impacts of soil and water conservation pra...
Adimassu, Zenebe
Langan, Simon J.
Johnston, Robyn M.
Mekuria, Wolde M.
Amede, Tilahun
[Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on crop yield, run-off, soil loss and nutrient loss in Ethiopia: review and synthesis]
Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on crop yield, run-off, soil loss and nutrient loss in Ethiopia: review and synthesis
In erosion- and drought-prone Nyando, self-help groups affiliated to large umbrella bodies are working with extension agents, researchers and development partners to improve local livestock and diversify crops, to improve soil and water management, and to pool financial and labour resources.
Macoloo C
Recha, John W.M.
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Kinyangi, James
[Empowering a local community to address climate risks and food insecurity in Lower Nyando, Kenya]
Empowering a local community to address climate risks and food insecurity in Lower Nyando, Kenya
Totobesola, M
Barbier, Bruno
García Valerio, R.
[Evaluación económica de productos con potencial de mercado para pequeños productores: uso de la programación lineal con fincas de los municipios de Yorito y Sulaco]
Evaluación económica de productos con potencial de mercado para pequeños productores: uso de la programación lineal con fincas de los municipios de Yorito y Sulaco
Amézquita Collazos, Edgar
Chávez, Luis F.
Álvarez, A.
[Diseño, construcción y uso de un microrelievímetro para evaluar la dinámica de la erosión en áreas de ladera]
Diseño, construcción y uso de un microrelievímetro para evaluar la dinámica de la erosión en áreas de ladera
Delve, Robert J.
[Combating nutrient depletion in East Africa: the work of the SWNM program]
Combating nutrient depletion in East Africa: the work of the SWNM program
A household survey on the financial drivers of woodlot production was conducted in the Lake Tana watershed of Amhara State, Ethiopia. Analysis of smallholder Eucalyptus globulus Labill. production reveals that converting uneroded over eroded croplands leads to significantly higher financial retur...
Matthies, B.D.
Karimov, A.A.
[Financial drivers of land use decisions: The case of smallholder woodlots in Amhara, Ethiopia]
Financial drivers of land use decisions: The case of smallholder woodlots in Amhara, Ethiopia
Baral, H.
Guariguata, M.R.
Keenan, R.J.
[A proposed framework for assessing ecosystem goods and services from planted forests]
A proposed framework for assessing ecosystem goods and services from planted forests
Howeler, Reinhardt H.
Oates, CG
Allem, AC
Chuzel, Gérard
Henry, Guy
Hershey, Clair H.
Müller-Sämann, Karl M.
Okogun, A
Sanginga, Nteranya
Souza, LS
Sriroth, K
Westby, Andrew
[Strategic environmental assessment: an assessment of the impact of cassava production and processing on the environment and biodiversity]
Strategic environmental assessment: an assessment of the impact of cassava production and processing on the environment and biodiversity
Presents results of a study on the physical and chemical properties of soils at the Melka Sede irrigated state farm and the IAR Melka Werer Research Centre in the Hararghe region of Ethiopia conducted to assess the nutrient and water status and extent of salt affected soils.
Kamara, C.S.
Haque, I.
[Characteristics of lowland soils of Melka Sede state farm and Melka Werer Research Centre in the Harerge region of Ethiopia]
Characteristics of lowland soils of Melka Sede state farm and Melka Werer Research Centre in the Harerge region of Ethiopia