The concept of a breed, in which all members have a pedigree tracing their ancestry, was developed primarily in Western Europe during the eighteenth century. Today, in the developed world, breeds are recognized as distinct intra-specific groups, the members of which share particular characteristi...
Rege, J.E.O.
[Defining livestock breeds in the context of community-based management of farm animal genetic resources]
Defining livestock breeds in the context of community-based management of farm animal genetic resources
Tesfahunegn, Gebreyesus Brhane
Tamene, Lulseged
Vlek, Paul L.G.
Mekonnen, Kindu
[Assessing farmers` knowledge of weed species, crop type and soil management practices in relation to soil quality status in mai-negus catchment, northern Ethiopia]
Assessing farmers` knowledge of weed species, crop type and soil management practices in relation to soil quality status in mai-negus catchment, northern Ethiopia
Indigenous knowledge of seasonal weather forecasting could be useful in decision making at village level to best exploit the seasonal distribution of rainfall in order to increase or stabilize crop yields. We examined existing indigenous knowledge by interviewing 192 households in six regions of ...
Okonya, J.
Kroschel, J.
[Indigenous knowledge of seasonal weather forecasting: a case study in six regions of Uganda]
Indigenous knowledge of seasonal weather forecasting: a case study in six regions of Uganda
The foundation of rice production in the dry zone of Sri Lanka is a hydraulic civilization spanning at least 2,000 years, and based on constructed small irrigation tanks. Dotted across much of the dry zone, and often constituting cascades, the traditional management of these tanks for dry season ...
Curnow, J.
Silva, Sanjiv de
[Traditional knowledge applied to the management of small tank wetland systems in Sri Lanka]
Traditional knowledge applied to the management of small tank wetland systems in Sri Lanka
The increasing attention paid to local soil knowledge results from a greater recognition that farmer knowledge can offer many insights into the sustainable management of tropical soils and that the integration of local and technical knowledge systems helps extension workers and scientists work mo...
Barrios, E.
Delve, Robert J.
Bekunda, Mateete A.
Mowo, J.
Agunda, J
Ramisch, Joshua J.
Trejo Tercero, M.T.
Thomas, Richard J.
[Indicators of soil quality: a South-South development of a methdological guide for linking local and technical knowledge]
Indicators of soil quality: a South-South development of a methdological guide for linking local and technical knowledge
Amede, Tilahun
[La recherche participative au service de la restoration des sols dans les hautes terres d Afrique de l'Est]
La recherche participative au service de la restoration des sols dans les hautes terres d Afrique de l'Est
Amede, Tilahun
[Restoring soil fertility in the East African highlands through participatory research]
Restoring soil fertility in the East African highlands through participatory research
Ramisch, Joshua J.
[Criação de conhecimento dinâmico para a gestão integrada da fertilidade do solo no ocidente do Quénia]
Criação de conhecimento dinâmico para a gestão integrada da fertilidade do solo no ocidente do Quénia
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Materials and information on participatory research approaches, analytical tools, indigenous knowledge and organizational principles, developed: Output 4]
Materials and information on participatory research approaches, analytical tools, indigenous knowledge and organizational principles, developed: Output 4