In Tanzania, ongoing land insecurity is a structural cause of food insecurity particularly for
pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and small-scale crop farmers leading to land use conflicts,
compromised access to resources including grazing and water and rangeland degradation.
Land tenure security an...
Mwita, V.C.
Kalenzi, D.
Flintan, Fiona E.
[Joint Village Land Use Planning in Tanzania: A process to enhance the securing of rangelands and resolving land use conflicts]
Joint Village Land Use Planning in Tanzania: A process to enhance the securing of rangelands and resolving land use conflicts
Reports on the results of a study of small ruminant marketing from a pastoral production system in Baringo district (northern Kenya). Estimates the effects of body weight, body condition, species, sex and time of sale. Evaluates the effectiveness of the auction method in stabilizing prices during...
Chabari, F.N.
Ackello-Ogutu, A.C.
Odhiambo, M.O.
[Factors determining market prices of small ruminants from a pastoral production system in Kenya]
Factors determining market prices of small ruminants from a pastoral production system in Kenya
Examines some interactions of market access and family wealth on household milk allocation for calves and people. Evaluates implications in terms of mortality and morbidity rates of nursing calves and the composition and nutritional value of human diets. Presents surveys of pastoral households in...
Holden, S.J.
Coppock, D.L.
Assefa, M.
[Pastoral dairy marketing and household wealth interactions and their implications for calves and humans in Ethiopia]
Pastoral dairy marketing and household wealth interactions and their implications for calves and humans in Ethiopia
Reports on how seasonal change influences various management tactics, time budgets, travel distances and water intakes of livestock during one annual cycle.
Coppock, D.L.
Ellis, J.E.
Swift, D.M.
[Seasonal patterns of activity, travel and water intake for livestock in south Turkana, Kenya]
Seasonal patterns of activity, travel and water intake for livestock in south Turkana, Kenya
Outlines the major elements of pastoral resource use and examines strategies for development of pastoral systems in subhumid west Africa. Looks at cattle management, grazing resources, transhumant cattle, grazing reserves, and ranching.
Bayer, W.
Suleiman, H.
Kaufmann, Ralph R. von
Waters-Bayer, Ann
[Resource use and strategies for development of pastoral systems in subhumid West Africa - The case of Nigeria]
Resource use and strategies for development of pastoral systems in subhumid West Africa - The case of Nigeria
There has been little experimental work in West Africa that distinguishes grazing from climate effects on rangeland vegetation. In the absence of such Knowledge, the recurrence of boom-bust cycles in livestock populations, along with the seemingly degraded state of semiarid range, have been used ...
Turner, M.
[Overstocking the range: A critical analysis of the environmental science of Sahelian pastoralism]
Overstocking the range: A critical analysis of the environmental science of Sahelian pastoralism
In pastoral societies women face many challenges. Some describe these as a ‘double burden’ –
that is, as pastoralists and as women. However, pastoral women may obtain a significant degree
of protection from customary law even if customary institutions are male-dominated. In periods
of change (eco...
Kisambu, N.
Flintan, Fiona E.
Daley, E.
Pallas, S.
[Gender and the commons: Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project]
Gender and the commons: Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project
National Land Commission, Kenya
[County Spatial Planning in pastoral areas, toolkit (I): Pre-planning, visioning and objective setting]
County Spatial Planning in pastoral areas, toolkit (I): Pre-planning, visioning and objective setting
A study to determine carbon sequestration potentials and soil attributes was conducted in Borana rangelands of southern Ethiopia under communally grazed areas, grazing enclosures (rangelands enclosed for 20 years for dry season grazing) and rangelands managed by prescribed fire for more than five...
Negasa, B.
Zewdu, T.
Ebro, A.
[Carbon sequestration potentials of semi-arid rangelands under traditional management practices in Borana, Southern Ethiopia]
Carbon sequestration potentials of semi-arid rangelands under traditional management practices in Borana, Southern Ethiopia