El frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), una importante fuente de calorías, proteínas y fibra, se siembra en Brasil anualmente en tres épocas en un total de 5.2 millones de hectareas produciendo 2.8 millones de toneladas, las cuales representan 60% de la producción de frijol en Latinoamerica o un 35% d...
Thung, Michael D.
[Soil fertility conservation and enhancement in bean production systems in Brazil]
Soil fertility conservation and enhancement in bean production systems in Brazil
Bationo, B. André
Traoré, Z
Kimetu, J.
Bagayoko, M
Kihara, Job
Bado, V.B.
Lompo, M
Tabo, Ramadjita
Koala, Saidou
[Cropping systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone: implications on soil fertility management over varied seasons]
Cropping systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone: implications on soil fertility management over varied seasons
Cadavid López, Luis Fernando
Albán Tello, A.A.
Amézquita Collazos, Edgar
Peña, J
[Construcción y mantenimiento de capa arable para el desarrollo de sistemas sostenibles de producción de yuca en tres regiones de Colombia: Informe final]
Construcción y mantenimiento de capa arable para el desarrollo de sistemas sostenibles de producción de yuca en tres regiones de Colombia: Informe final
Since soil organic matter (SOM) buffers against impacts of climatic variability, the objective of this study was to assess on-farm distribution of SOM and propose realistic options for increasing SOM and thus the adaptation of smallholder farmers to climate change and variability in the interior ...
Heve, William K
Olesen, J.E.
Chirinda, Ngonidzashe
Adiku, Samuel G.K.
[Targeted management of organic resources for sustainably increasing soil organic carbon: Observations and perspectives for resource use and climate adaptations in northern Ghana]
Targeted management of organic resources for sustainably increasing soil organic carbon: Observations and perspectives for resource use and climate adaptations in northern Ghana
Research results published regarding the impact of soil and water conservation practices in the highland areas of Ethiopia have been inconsistent and scattered. In this paper, a detailed review and synthesis is reported that was conducted to identify the impacts of soil and water conservation pra...
Adimassu, Zenebe
Langan, Simon J.
Johnston, Robyn M.
Mekuria, Wolde M.
Amede, Tilahun
[Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on crop yield, run-off, soil loss and nutrient loss in Ethiopia: review and synthesis]
Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on crop yield, run-off, soil loss and nutrient loss in Ethiopia: review and synthesis
The potential of neotropical savannas is very large for both arable crops and pasture-based livestock systems. However, in most frontier regions, production costs are high due to lack of infrastructure, distance to markets and inherent soil conditions. A favorable policy environment and efficient...
Spain, James M.
[Neotropical savannas: prospects for economically and ecologically sustainable crop-livestock production systems]
Neotropical savannas: prospects for economically and ecologically sustainable crop-livestock production systems
Howeler, Reinhardt H.
Cadavid López, Luis Fernando
[El cultivo de yuca con conservación del suelo en la región de Mondomo]
El cultivo de yuca con conservación del suelo en la región de Mondomo