Describes the organization, objectives and results of the aerial survey programme of the Kenyan Rangeland Ecological Monitoring Unit from 1976 to 1979, with particular reference to the methodology used, animal population estimates, esp. herbivores, and reliability of aerial survey data in terms o...
Stelfox, J.G.
Peden, Donald G.
[The aerial survey programme of the Kenya rangeland ecological monitoring unit: 1976-79]
The aerial survey programme of the Kenya rangeland ecological monitoring unit: 1976-79
Discusses six alternative methods for estimating livestock populations based on aerial surveys, mentioning two main factors which affect the resulting population estimates, particularly sampling fraction and the degree of aggregation or clumping of the population being sampled.
Grimsdell, J.J.R.
Bille, Jean-Claude
Milligan, K.
[Autres methodes de recensement aerien du betail]
Autres methodes de recensement aerien du betail
Discusses, based on aerial surveys taken before and after the drought, the magnitude of population changes, both human & animal, that took place in west Central Niger during the drought and how the drought has affected different ethnic groups. Includes data on estimates of livestock population & ...
Bourn, D.M.
Denda, I.
Ridder, N.A. de
Wagenaar, K.T.
Wint, W.
[Secheresse et exode pastoral au Niger]
Secheresse et exode pastoral au Niger
Reviews procedures for obtaining reliable information on animal populations, other ecological features and land use generally from low-flying aircraft by direct observation or conventional photography, with reference to types of sampling unit, and the relative merits of unstratified systematic an...
Little is known about the residual effects of crop residue (CR) and phosphorus (P) application on the fallow vegetation following repeated cultivation of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] in the Sahel. The objective of this study, therefore, was (i) to measure residual effects of CR, ...
Gerard, Bruno G.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Muehlig-Versen, B.
Buerkert, Andreas
[Destructive and non-destructive measurements of residual crop residue and phosphorus effects on growth and composition of herbaceous fallow species in the Sahel]
Destructive and non-destructive measurements of residual crop residue and phosphorus effects on growth and composition of herbaceous fallow species in the Sahel
Wilson, R.T.
[Recent resource surveys for rural development in southern Darfur, Sudan]
Recent resource surveys for rural development in southern Darfur, Sudan
Newsome, A.E.
Dudzinski, M.L.
Low, W.A.
[Measuring bias in aerial surveys due to dispersion of animals]
Measuring bias in aerial surveys due to dispersion of animals
Discusses, based on aerial surveys taken before and after the drought, the magnitude of population changes, both human & animal, that took place in west Central Niger during the drought and how the drought has affected different ethnic groups. Includes data on estimates of livestock population & ...
Discusses the role of light aircraft remote sensing methods using examples of different surveys carried out by the Resource Management and Research (RMR) firm in nine African countries and over international waters from 1968 to 1979.
Watson, R.M.
Tippet, C.I.
[Examples of low-level aerial surveys conducted in Africa from 1968 to 1979: One firm's experience]
Examples of low-level aerial surveys conducted in Africa from 1968 to 1979: One firm's experience