Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW), caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum, is one of the most important diseases of banana (Musa sp.) and currently considered as the biggest threat to banana production in Great Lakes region of East and Central Africa. The pathogen is highly contagious and it...
De grandes differences existent entre les cultivars quant a la frequence et la nature des variations phenotypiques sur les plantes regenerees apres culture in vitro. Une grande part de ces variations mime la variabilite naturelle et les variants apparaissent essentiellement comme des copies d'aut...
Vuylsteke, D.R.
Swennen, R.
Langhe, E. de
[Somaclonal variation in plantains (Musa spp, AAB group) derived from shoottip culture]
Somaclonal variation in plantains (Musa spp, AAB group) derived from shoottip culture
Akem, C.
Uwala, A.C.
Dashiell, Kenton E.
[Evaluation of soybean cultivars for susceptibility to pyrenochaeta leaf blotch]
Evaluation of soybean cultivars for susceptibility to pyrenochaeta leaf blotch
During part of the dry season in 1996 (November to December), surveys were made for incidence of root and stem rot in 99 fields of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) randomly selected between latitudes 6°36′N and 7°49′N in Benin (79 fields) and Nigeria (20 fields). Root rot was observed in 65 fie...
Msikita, W.
Yaninek, John S.
Ahounou, M.
Baimey, H.
Fagbemissi, R.
[First report of Nattrassia mangiferae root and stem rot of cassava in West Africa]
First report of Nattrassia mangiferae root and stem rot of cassava in West Africa
Se discuten varios conceptos relativos al mejoramiento de leguminosas forrajeras y a su adaptacion a suelos acidos de baja fertilidad. Se observa que es raro que un ecotipo nativo selecionado ofrezca todas las caracteristicas requeridas para praderas de pastoreo. Los objetivos del mejoramiento de...
Hutton, E.M.
[Mejoramiento de leguminosas forrajeras, especialmente para su adaptacion a suelos acidos infertiles]
Mejoramiento de leguminosas forrajeras, especialmente para su adaptacion a suelos acidos infertiles
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[The CIAT Bean Program Research strategies for increasing production]
The CIAT Bean Program Research strategies for increasing production
The results of the 1983 A and B and 1984 A and B Central American bean yield and adaptation nursery (VICAR) are presented. The nurseries were classified into red and black beans. The red bean 1983 A and B nurseries, composed of 12 materials and a control, were planted at 2 sites in Costa Rica, 2 ...
Se presentan los resultados del vivero Centroamericano de adaptacion y rendimiento (VICAR) de 1983 A y B y 1984 A y B. Los viveros se clasificaron en frijol rojo y negro. Los viveros de grano rojo de 1983 A y B, constituidos por 12 materiales y 1 testigo, se sembraron en 2 localidades en Costa Ri...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Vivero Centroamericano de Adaptacion y Rendimiento VICAR 1983 y 1984]
Vivero Centroamericano de Adaptacion y Rendimiento VICAR 1983 y 1984
Giraldo Avila, Guillermo
[Calidad y cantidad de semilla de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en funcion de las cosechas prematuras, oportunas, y tardias]
Calidad y cantidad de semilla de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en funcion de las cosechas prematuras, oportunas, y tardias
The process of selection in climbing bean improvement should be conducted with maize in association due to the high cost of sole cropping with stakes or with a trellis system. The relation between yields of beans and maize is negative and the regression coefficient is normally between -1 and -2. ...
Davis, J.
[Relaciones de competencia entre frijol y maiz en sistemas de asociacion y sus inferencias para el mejoramiento genetico]
Relaciones de competencia entre frijol y maiz en sistemas de asociacion y sus inferencias para el mejoramiento genetico