Field researchers from three parts of India participated in a training workshop on a new gender-responsive methodology for assessing the poverty impacts of value chain development - 5Capitals-G.
Stoian, D.
Meldrum, G.
Elias, M.
[Piloting a gender-responsive tool for assessing the poverty impacts of value chain development]
Piloting a gender-responsive tool for assessing the poverty impacts of value chain development
The Aichi Biodiversity Targets agreed in Nagoya in 2012 included restoring 15% of the world’s degraded ecosystems by 2020 (Target 15). Subsequent assessments have led to estimates that for terrestrial ecosystems, this 15% means restoring a staggering 350 million hectares – and requires billions o...
Elias, M.
Vinceti, B.
[Small is beautiful: restoring degraded lands, one parcel at a time.]
Small is beautiful: restoring degraded lands, one parcel at a time.
Bunn, Christian
Läderach, Peter
Quaye, Amos
Muilerman, Sander
Lundy, Mark
[Bittersweet chocolate: the climate change impacts on cocoa production in Ghana]
Bittersweet chocolate: the climate change impacts on cocoa production in Ghana
El siguiente Storymaps relata en siete pestañas la problemática actual causada por la minería de oro en uno de los ecosistemas más afectados en la cuenca Amazónica de Perú, específicamente en la región de Madre de Dios.
Colombia and Peru host together 23% of the Amazon. Both countries are committed to reduce their greenhouse gases emissions, improve national and local capacities to adapt to climate change, enhance local livelihoods in forests and reduce net deforestation.
With the aim of contributing to these ...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Maarifa: Information, knowledge and communication at ILRI]
Maarifa: Information, knowledge and communication at ILRI
Elias, M.
[Building on past success for better quality science: FTA gender research in 2017]
Building on past success for better quality science: FTA gender research in 2017