The composition of fat in bovine milk has relevance in human health, where polyunsaturated fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid (ALC c9 t11) have positive effects (anticarcinogenic, antidiabetogenic). There are investigations regarding the effect of bovine feeding on milk quality in tempe...
Mojica-Rodríguez, José Edwin
Castro-Rincón, Edwin
Carulla-Fornaguera, Juan Evangelista
Lascano-Aguilar, Carlos Eduardo
[Perfil lipídico en leche de vacas en pastoreo de gramíneas en el trópico seco colombiano = Lipid profile in milk of grazing cows in the colombian dry tropics]
Perfil lipídico en leche de vacas en pastoreo de gramíneas en el trópico seco colombiano = Lipid profile in milk of grazing cows in the colombian dry tropics
Assesse the importance of fodder shrubs & trees in various ecological zones, studying their role in the managment of natural grazing lands, & describing the selection of browse by herbivores, the managment of browse ecosystems, the plantation of various species of shrubs & trees as fodder reserv...
Houerou, H.N. le
[The role of shrubs and trees in the management of natural grazing lands (with particular reference to protein production)]
The role of shrubs and trees in the management of natural grazing lands (with particular reference to protein production)
Describes the location, soil & rainfall patterns in the Tcheffa valley, dividing the area into four agro-ecological units & examining the land use pattern, the natural vegetation from 1957 to 1982, introduced vegetation, agricultural practices, grazing periods & livestock utilization levels.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Tcheffa valley study. Contributory paper no. 1: Land use, vegetation and agro-ecological description]
Tcheffa valley study. Contributory paper no. 1: Land use, vegetation and agro-ecological description