The ecology of the Bemisia tabaci/cassava/African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) pathosystem is reviewed briefly with special attention given to the parameters affecting the pattern of population development of B. tabaci. Significant gaps in our understanding of this system remain, particularly conc...
Legg, J.P.
[Bemisia tabaci: the whitefly vector of cassava mosaic geminiviruses in Africa: an ecological perspective]
Bemisia tabaci: the whitefly vector of cassava mosaic geminiviruses in Africa: an ecological perspective
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
[Answers to questions most frequently asked about IITA]
Answers to questions most frequently asked about IITA
Maruthi, M.N.
Whitfield, E.C.
Kumar, P.
Legg, J.P.
[Virusindexing, chemo and thermo therapies, and micro propagation for generating virusfree cassava plants: a labouratory manual]
Virusindexing, chemo and thermo therapies, and micro propagation for generating virusfree cassava plants: a labouratory manual
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
[IITA Crop Improvement Division; Root and Tuber Improvement Program: status report 1990 1993]
IITA Crop Improvement Division; Root and Tuber Improvement Program: status report 1990 1993
There were many reports of shoot removal on yield of tuberous in cassava. However very little plant physiology research has been done to verify the cause of such yield reduction. The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of time of first hoot removal on the growth and development ...
Ha diversos resultados sobre a influencia negative da remocao dos rebentos no remindimento das raizes tuberosas da mandioca.noentanto,mutio pouco tem sido feito para verificar as causas dessas reduces no rendimento. O objective deste estudo foi ode investigar o effeito da epoca em que a primeira ...
Il ya plusieurs rapports sur l'influence negative de la recolre desfeuiles sur le rendement en raciness tubereuses du manioc, pourtant, peu de recherché a ete effecruee sur la physiologie de la plante pour elucider la cause de chute de rendement. Les objectifs de cette etude etaient d'etudier les...
Simwambana, M.
Ferguson, T.U.
Hahn, S.K.
[Morphological changes in cassava as affected by leaf vegetable picking]
Morphological changes in cassava as affected by leaf vegetable picking
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a major staple crop in developing countries and a large source of raw material for industrial purposes as flour, starch, and ethanol. In July 2012, 24 cassava genotypes (corresponding to 1.85% of the accessions) with typical symptoms of frogskin disease (CFSD...
Oliveira, SAS
Abreu, EFM
Araújo, TS
Oliveira, EJ
Andrade, EC
García, J.M.P.
Álvarez, E.
[First report of a 16SrIII-L phytoplasma associated with frogskin disease in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Brazil]
First report of a 16SrIII-L phytoplasma associated with frogskin disease in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Brazil
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Iniciativa de fortalecimiento de capacidades y gestión de conocimiento]
Iniciativa de fortalecimiento de capacidades y gestión de conocimiento
On a Ferralic-haplic Acrisol (terre de barre non degradee) in Southern Benin Republic, four years after the establishment of the hedgerows, yields of maize and cassava alley cropped with Leucaena leucocephala and Cajanus cajan were no better than those in control plots without hedgerows. Reduced ...
Horst, Walter J.
Kuehne, R.
Kang, B.
[Nutrient use in Leucaena leucocephala and cajanus cajan in maize/cassava alley cropping on Terre de barre, Benin Republic]
Nutrient use in Leucaena leucocephala and cajanus cajan in maize/cassava alley cropping on Terre de barre, Benin Republic