From the most important bean-growing areas in Costa Rica, 5 representative locations were selected; a random sampling of 44 farms was conducted to find out why farmers prefer the covered bean system and its main agronomic characteristics. Farmers who used this system were based on characteristics...
Se seleccionaron 5 localidades representativas de las principales zonas de Costa Rica y se efectuo un muestreo aleatorio de 44 fincas para conocer por que predomina el sistema de siembra de frijol tapado entre los agricultores y sus principales caracteristicas agronomicas. Los agricultores que ut...
Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
González M, W.
[La investigacion en campos de agricultores sobre frijol tapado en Costa Rica]
La investigacion en campos de agricultores sobre frijol tapado en Costa Rica
Since 1982, the behavior of snap bean cv. of determinate growth from North American commercial houses is being evaluated in Guatemala. Charts wiht data on yield and av. production (t/ha) and the agronomic characteristics of the evaluated cv. are included. Line 124C outstood for yield and low fibe...
Desde 1982 se esta evaluando en condiciones de Guatemala el comportamiento de cv. de habichuela de tipo determinado, originarios de casas comerciales norteamericanas. Se incluyen cuadros con los rendimientos y sus prom. (t/h) y las caracteristicas agronomicas de los cv. evaluados. La linea 124C s...
Trials were carried out in 7 regions of Malawi (Chitipa, Rumphi, Mzuzu, Mzimba, Liliongwe, Dedza, and Thyolo) with 12 bean genotypes. In Dedza, yields varied from 1305 to 3204 kg/ha; genotypes 21-5, A286, A344, 25-2 x 8-7 gave significantly higher yields than genotypes 5-2, 25-2, and 25-2 x 8-7 a...
Se realizaron ensayos en 7 regiones de Malawi (Chitipa, Rumphi, Mzuzu, Mzimba, Liliongwe, Dedza y Thyolo) de 12 genotipos de frijol. En Dedza los rendimientos variaron de 1305 a 3240 kg/ha; los genotipos 21-5, A286, A344 y 25-2 x 8-7 presentaron rendimientos significativamente mas altos que 5-2, ...
Studies on yield potential continued at CIAT with the reevaluation of agronomic practices for max. yield. A considerable effort was invested in the production of erect, type IIa lines. Unfortunately, these lines have not shown the yield potential expected, possibly due to their erect habit, which...
Los estudios sobre el potencial de rendimiento continuaron en CIAT con la reevaluacion de las practicas agronomicas por max. rendimiento. Se realizo un esfuerzo considerable en la produccion de lineas de porte erecto tipo IIa. Desafortunadamente, estas lineas no han mostrado el potencial de rendi...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Mejoramiento genético. Mejoramiento de caracteres. Potencial de rendimiento]
Mejoramiento genético. Mejoramiento de caracteres. Potencial de rendimiento
The selection criteria for N fixation at CIAT includes plant vigor, nodule no., mass at mid-flowering, acetylene reduction activity, total N, and grain yield of materials grown in sand culture and in field trials with mild N stress. The breeding program has yielded materials with improved N2-fixa...
El criterio de seleccion por fijacion de N utilizado en CIAT incluye vigor de la planta, no. de nodulos, masa a mediados de la floracion, actividad de reduccion de acetileno, N total y rendimiento de grano de los materiales cultivados en arena y en los ensayos de campo con ligero estres de N. El ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Mejoramiento genético. Mejoramiento de caracteres. Mayor fijación de N]
Mejoramiento genético. Mejoramiento de caracteres. Mayor fijación de N
A series of comparisons of photoperiod response in relation to seed size, growth habit, origin, and yield performance were conducted using photoperiod response data obtained in previous trials with 450 bean lines. Data for all the materials evaluated are presented in table form. Regional differen...
Usando datos sobre respuesta al fotoperiodo obtenidos en ensayos anteriores realizados con 450 lineas de frijol, se realizaron una serie de comparaciones de respuesta al fotoperiodo en relacion con el tamano de la semilla, habito de crecimiento, origen y comportamiento del rendimiento. Se present...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Mejoramiento genético. Mejoramiento de caracteres. Adaptación a fotoperíodo-temperatura]
Mejoramiento genético. Mejoramiento de caracteres. Adaptación a fotoperíodo-temperatura
Sowing density is a major management factor that affects growth and development of grain crops by modifying the canopy light environment and interplant competition for water and nutrients. While the effects of sowing density and plant architecture on static vegetative and reproductive growth trai...
Ricaurte Oyola, José Jaumer
Clavijo Michelangeli, Jose A.
Sinclair, Thomas R.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Beebe, Stephen E.
[Sowing density effect on common bean leaf area development]
Sowing density effect on common bean leaf area development
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important food legume in the diet of poor people in the tropics. Drought causes severe yield loss in this crop. Identification of traits associated with drought resistance contributes to improving the process of generating bean genotypes adapted to ...
Polanía Perdomo, José A.
Poschenrieder, Charlotte
Beebe, Stephen E.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
[Effective use of water and increased dry matter partitioned to grain contribute to yield of common bean improved for drought resistance]
Effective use of water and increased dry matter partitioned to grain contribute to yield of common bean improved for drought resistance
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important food legume crop in Africa and Latin America where rainfall pattern is unpredictable. The objectives were to identify better yielding common bean lines with good canning quality under drought, and to identify traits that could be used as s...
Assefa, Teshale
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Cannon, Steven B.
Wu, Jixiang
Gutema, Zenbaba
Blair, Matthew W.
Otyama, Paul
Alemayehu, Fitsume
Dagne, Belete
[Improving adaptation to drought stress in white pea bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): Genotypic effects on grain yield, yield components and pod harvest index]
Improving adaptation to drought stress in white pea bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): Genotypic effects on grain yield, yield components and pod harvest index
Río, Martha del
Sellitti, Stefania
Gutiérrez, Natalia
[Measuring and assessing impacts of fair trade USA on farmworkers in Brazil]
Measuring and assessing impacts of fair trade USA on farmworkers in Brazil