This report summarizes the proceedings of the workshop “Scaling Up Climate
Services for Farmers in Africa and South Asia,” held in Saly, Senegal on December
10-12, 2012. The workshop brought together more than 100 experts from 30 countries
and roughly 50 institutions to grapple with the challenge...
Tall, Arame
Jay, A.
Hansen, James
[Scaling Up Climate Services for Farmers in Africa and South Asia: Workshop Report]
Scaling Up Climate Services for Farmers in Africa and South Asia: Workshop Report
The project Integrated agricultural technologies for enhanced adaptive capacity and resilient livelihoods in climate-smart villages (CSVs) of Southeast Asia aims to provide climate-smart agriculture options to enhance adaptive capacity and resilience among CSV farmers and stakeholders. The projec...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Hoang, Thi Lua
[Towards Climate-Smart Agriculture in Southeast Asia: Initial results in Ma Village, Vietnam]
Towards Climate-Smart Agriculture in Southeast Asia: Initial results in Ma Village, Vietnam
Social learning approaches can catalyse knowledge
co-creation and action, so have the potential to help
solve complex ‘wicked’ problems such as climate
change and food insecurity. This working paper
synthesises evidence from five diverse initiatives
employing social learning approaches in respons...
Epp, Marissa van
Garside, Ben
[Solving ‘wicked’ problems: can social learning catalyse adaptive responses to climate change?]
Solving ‘wicked’ problems: can social learning catalyse adaptive responses to climate change?
Research shows that paying attention to gender matters not only for the equity of climate change adaptation programs but also for their efficiency and effectiveness. Many organizations working to increase resilience to climate change with local communities also recognize the importance of gender ...
Bryan, Elisabeth
Bernier, Quinn
Espinal, Marcia
Ringler, Claudia
[Integrating Gender into Climate Change Adaptation Programs: A Research and Capacity Needs Assessment for Sub-Saharan Africa]
Integrating Gender into Climate Change Adaptation Programs: A Research and Capacity Needs Assessment for Sub-Saharan Africa
L'interdépendance des pays sur les ressources génétiques des cultures et fourrages
dont ils ont bessoin pour leur sécurité alimentaire est une des raisons de la mise en
place du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l'Alimentation
et l'Agriculture et de son système multilat...
Bougma, Ali
Galluzzi, Gea
Sawadogo, Mahamadou
[L’importance des échanges internationaux des ressources phytogénétiques pour l’amélioration des cultures au Burkina Faso]
L’importance des échanges internationaux des ressources phytogénétiques pour l’amélioration des cultures au Burkina Faso
The increasing variability of seasonal climate and increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events that are expected to accompany climate change will impact agricultural production and food security in Southeast Asia. The timely provision of climate information is one mechanism to he...
Policarpio RR
Sheinkman, Michael
[State of climate information products and services for agriculture and food security in Myanmar]
State of climate information products and services for agriculture and food security in Myanmar
One of the main considerations underlying the establishment of the International Treaty on
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and its Multilateral System of Access and
Benefit Sharing is the recognition of countries’ high interdependence on the genetic resources
of the crops and for...
Bougma, Ali
Galluzzi, Gea
Sawadogo, Mahamadou
[The importance of international exchanges of plant genetic resources for national crop improvement in Burkina Faso]
The importance of international exchanges of plant genetic resources for national crop improvement in Burkina Faso
Climate finance has largely focused on non-agricultural sectors, while finance for
adaptation remains to be largely unexplored. This paper takes stock of existing funds
for agricultural adaptation and compares different elements across these.
Una de las principales consideraciones para la creación del Tratado Internacional
sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura y de su
Sistema Multilateral para el acceso y la distribución de beneficios es el
reconocimiento de la interdependencia de todos los países sobr...
Mendez W
Galluzzi, Gea
Say, E.
[La importancia de los intercambios internacionales de recursos fitogenéticos para la mejora de los cultivos en Guatemala]
La importancia de los intercambios internacionales de recursos fitogenéticos para la mejora de los cultivos en Guatemala
In the context of agriculture and food security, science innovations on mitigating and adapting
to climate change are available, but these are not well shared with next users and end users
(especially farmers) and the public due to inadequate coverage by the mainstream media, a
powerful partner i...
Navarro, Rex
Joven, B.
Cruz, A.
[Mobilizing Science for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security: Engaging the Southeast Asian Media]
Mobilizing Science for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security: Engaging the Southeast Asian Media