Maize and beans are a vital component of human diets and culture in Central America. More than a million smallholder families grow these crops for subsistence, producing 70% of the maize and 100% of the beans consumed locally. Average yields are low, however – 1.5 t/ha for maize and 0.7 t/ha for ...
Eitzinger, Anton
Läderach, Peter
Sonder, Kai
Schmidt A
Sain G
Beebe, Stephen E.
Rodríguez, Beatriz
Fisher M
Hicks P
Navarrete-Frías, C
Nowak, Andreea
[Tortillas on the roaster: Central America’s maize–bean systems and the changing climate]
Tortillas on the roaster: Central America’s maize–bean systems and the changing climate
Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance
[Transforming agriculture for better incomes and diets in Africa]
Transforming agriculture for better incomes and diets in Africa
Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance
[Bean corridors: A novel approach to scale up national and regional trade in Africa]
Bean corridors: A novel approach to scale up national and regional trade in Africa
Esta publicación es el resultado de un proceso de sistematización participativo desarrollado por el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) para el Proyecto “Alianza para la Creación de Oportunidades de Desarrollo Rural a través de Relaciones Agro-empresariales” (ACORDAR, por sus sigl...
Proyecto ACORDAR
[ACORDAR Relaciones que dan Fruto. Sistematización de una Experiencia de Construcción de Cadenas de Valor]
ACORDAR Relaciones que dan Fruto. Sistematización de una Experiencia de Construcción de Cadenas de Valor
The use of genetic resources to respond to occurring and unpredictable climatic changes is one of the coping mechanisms for small scale farmers in Africa. This paper summarizes findings of a participatory action research (PAR) project evaluating different common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varietie...
Mukankusi, Clare Mugisha
Nkalubo, Stanley T.
Katungi E
Luyima G
Awio, Bruno
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Kinyangi, James
[Participatory Evaluation of Common Bean for Drought and Disease Resilience Traits in Uganda]
Participatory Evaluation of Common Bean for Drought and Disease Resilience Traits in Uganda
Heinemann, Alexandre B.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Pessoa Oliveira de Souza, Thiago Lívio
Didonet, Agostinho Dirceu
Stefano, Jose Geraldo di
Boote, Kenneth J.
Jarvis, Andy
[Drought impact on rainfed common bean production areas in Brazil]
Drought impact on rainfed common bean production areas in Brazil
Bean species and genotypes show wide phenotypic variability in relation to aluminium (Al) resistance and progressive soil drying. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize sources of resistance to Al toxicity and progressive soil drying among six genotypes of common bean (Phase...
Butare, L.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Lepoivre, Philippe
Polanía Perdomo, José A.
Cajiao V., César Hernando
Cuasquer, Juan B.
Beebe, Stephen E.
[New genetic sources of resistance in the genus Phaseolus to individual and combined aluminium toxicity and progressive soil drying stresses]
New genetic sources of resistance in the genus Phaseolus to individual and combined aluminium toxicity and progressive soil drying stresses