Regional plant genetic resources (PGR) networks can be very effective mechanisms for strengthening National Programmes, promoting exchange of germplasm, helping to set common agenda and priorities on conservation and use of PGR, formulating consistent policies, and in conveying regional views. Mo...
Mal, B.
Mathur, P.N.
Ramanatha Rao, V.
[South Asia Network on Plant Genetic Resources (SANPGR): Proceedings of Fourth Meeting, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1-3 September 1998]
South Asia Network on Plant Genetic Resources (SANPGR): Proceedings of Fourth Meeting, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1-3 September 1998
SGRP publishes every year a report providing a detailed overview of its activities. This report provides information on activities carried out in 1999.
L'Examen des instruments, développements et tendances de politique régionale a été conçu pour compléter le module de formation de base. Pour pleinement servir d'outil au formateur, il s'accompagne des accords régionaux, des analyses de tendances, des documents de cours, des transparents, des étud...
Bragdon, S.
Fowler, Cary
França, Z.
Goldberg, E.
[Lois et politiques liées à la gestion des ressources phytogénétiques: Module de formation accompagné de l'examen des instruments, développements et tendances des politiques régionales - 2nde édition]
Lois et politiques liées à la gestion des ressources phytogénétiques: Module de formation accompagné de l'examen des instruments, développements et tendances des politiques régionales - 2nde édition
Padulosi, S.
Sthapit, B.R.
Lamers, H.
Kennedy, G.
Hunter, D.
[Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate Horticulture]
Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate Horticulture
The conservation and use of forest genetic resources is one of eight priority domains of IPGRI's strategy. The specific goal of I P G R I 's FGR programme is to ensure the continuous availability of these resources for present and future use, through in situ and ex situ measures that allow specie...
Sijapati Basnett, B.
Elias, M.
Hummel, S.S.
Colfer, C.J.P.
[Learning and building on the classics: concluding reflections for the future]
Learning and building on the classics: concluding reflections for the future
Several national economic and sectoral policies and strategies were developed, adopted
and being implemented over the last couple of decades in Ethiopia. These policies and
strategies provide frameworks and guides for economic management in a wide range of
aspects. There are policies that support...
Ethiopian Economics Association
[The development of key national policies with respect to rainwater management in Ethiopia: A review]
The development of key national policies with respect to rainwater management in Ethiopia: A review
Wood, S.L.R.
Jones, S.K.
Johnson, J.A.
Brauman, Kate A.
Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca
Fremier, Alexander K.
Girvetz, Evan H.
Gordon, L.J.
Kappel, K.V.
Mandle, L.
Mulligan, M.
O'Farrell, P.
Smith, W.K.
Willemen, L.
Zhang, W.
DeClerck, Fabrice A.J.
[Distilling the role of ecosystem services in the Sustainable Development Goals]
Distilling the role of ecosystem services in the Sustainable Development Goals
Manyong, Victor M.
Ikpi, A.
Olayemi, J.K.
[Agriculture in Nigeria: identifying opportunities for increased commercialization and investment: summary report]
Agriculture in Nigeria: identifying opportunities for increased commercialization and investment: summary report
Roothaert, Ralph L.
Chiche, Y.
Mulindi, M.
[Gender audit and action plan for mainstreaming gender analysis in ILRI]
Gender audit and action plan for mainstreaming gender analysis in ILRI