Commercial seed production in Europe and North America is a highly specialized industry. This paper discusses some of the aspects of seed production, with emphasis on the snap bean seed industry in the United States. Snap bean seed production in Australia, Europe and East Africa is also highlight...
Emery, GC
Belt, J
Henry, Guy
[International snap bean seed production and distribution]
International snap bean seed production and distribution
Pests and diseases are important production constraints of snap beans in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Among the most important conditions favoring their development are climate, planting susceptible varieties in monoculture over entire regions, staggered planting dates, and plan...
Cardona, C.
Pastor Corrales, Marcial A.
[Strategies for management of pests and diseases of snap beans in Latin America]
Strategies for management of pests and diseases of snap beans in Latin America
Data on snap bean consumption are reviewed for Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Philippines, Rwanda, Taiwan and Turkey to evaluate the present and possible future importance of snap beans in human diets, and the implication of consumption issues for snap bean research. Analyses of current...
In an assessment of the possible benefits to consumers and producers from snap bean research, four different technologies are proposed and their impact analyzed. Benefits are measured by using a welfare analysis and calculating the internal rate of return under different assumptions. The range of...
Reports on snap beans in developing countries are presented, to evaluate restrictions affecting production; directions for future research are also identified. Information presented includes producing regions and production statistics; nutritive value; consumption, marketing, and foreign trade; p...
The purpose of the 1st Latin American workshop on snap bean improvement was to define objectives and strategies for crop improvement and discuss the relationship between an international center for agricultural research and the national programs. The relationships between the public and private s...
Davis, J.H.C.
Janssen, W.
[El mejoramiento genético de la habichuela en América Latina: memorias de un taller, CIAT, Cali, Colombia, 11 al 15 de mayo de 1987]
El mejoramiento genético de la habichuela en América Latina: memorias de un taller, CIAT, Cali, Colombia, 11 al 15 de mayo de 1987
Snap beans may offer a very attractive alternative for small farmers in the tropics with good access to markets and willing to take some risks. Snap beans yield high return to land and provide employment opportunities. The small farmer producing snap beans for the market will be able to generate ...
El cultivo de habichuela puede constituir una alternativa atractiva para pequenos agricultores del tropico con buen acceso a mercados y dispuestos a correr riesgos. La habichuela produce un buen retorno a la tierra y proporciona muchas oportunidades de empleo. El pequeno agricultor que produce ha...
Pachico, Douglas H.
[The potential of snap beans as a crop for small farmers in the tropics]
The potential of snap beans as a crop for small farmers in the tropics
Results from a survey on snap bean production, marketing, and consumption, carried out among the participants to the workshop on Snap Bean Improvement, held at CIAT (Colombia), coming from Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia, are presented. Although the area planted to snap beans in th...
Se presentan los resultados de una encuesta sobre produccion, mercadeo y consumo de habichuela realizada entre los participantes en el Taller de Mejoramiento de Habichuela realizado en CIAT (Colombia), provenientes de Argentina, Brasil, Peru, Ecuador, y Colombia. Aunque las areas sembradas de hab...
Aspects of snap bean genetic improvement at CIAT are briefly analyzed. They include plant cycle and yield, strategies and methods for improvement, segregating population management, and description of characters to be evaluated. Data on the climbing and bush germplasm selected for the germplasm b...
Se analizan brevemente aspectos del mejoramiento genetico de la habichuela en CIAT como periodo vegetativo y rendimiento, estrategias y metodos de mejoramiento, manejo de poblaciones segregantes y descripcion de caracteres a evaluar. Se incluyen datos sobre el germoplasma voluble y arbustivo sele...
Montes de oca b., G.
[Mejoramiento genetico de la habichuela en el CIAT y resultados de viveros internacionales]
Mejoramiento genetico de la habichuela en el CIAT y resultados de viveros internacionales