This summary note is an excerpt from the chapter on Zambia that will appear in the peer-reviewed IFPRI monograph, Southern African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis.
Kilembe C
Thomas, Timothy S.
Waithaka, Michael
Kyotalimye, Miriam
Tumbo, S.D.
[East African agriculture and climate change: Tanzania. Summary note]
East African agriculture and climate change: Tanzania. Summary note
Estimates suggest that globally 80% of the seeds on which smallholder farmers in developing countries depend are produced by the farmers themselves or obtained through informal channels. This high level of farmer seed autonomy masks the fact that almost everywhere local seed systems and the diver...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, I.
Galluzzi, Gea
[New strategies and partnerships for the sustainable use of plant genetic resources]
New strategies and partnerships for the sustainable use of plant genetic resources
ENEA climate model data for the present period were able to reproduce the observed climate of northern Syria, and only required minor correction to remove a bias between the observed and model-derived data. The ENEA model projected a slight increase in annual rainfall in the near future, rather...
Sommer, Rolf
[Information sheet on future climate and impacts in the rural case studies: Tel Hadya, Syria]
Information sheet on future climate and impacts in the rural case studies: Tel Hadya, Syria
As long as natural forests can be accessed as local sources of timber, there is little incentive for farmers to grow timber on their own land. Early successes with national programs for farmer tree planting in the Philippines were achieved with fast growing trees that brought disappointingly lo...
Santos-Martin F
Bertomeu M
Noordwijk, Meine van
Navarro, Rafael
[Why smallholders plant native timber trees away from the forest margin: Lessons from Leyte, the Philippines]
Why smallholders plant native timber trees away from the forest margin: Lessons from Leyte, the Philippines
This summary note is an excerpt from the chapter on Benin that will appear in the peer-reviewed IFPRI monograph, West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis.
This summary note is an excerpt from the chapter on Botswana that will appear in the peer-reviewed IFPRI monograph, Southern African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis.
This brief highlights efforts in East Africa and in Asia, Pacific and Oceania (APO), supported by two internationally funded projects, to develop user-friendly tools and methods to identify germplasm of populations/varieties/species that are adapted to the changing climates of areas where farmers...
Halewood, Michael
Mathur, P.N.
Fadda, Carlo
Otieno, G.
[Using crop diversity to adapt to climate change: highlighting the importance of the Plant Treaty's policy support]
Using crop diversity to adapt to climate change: highlighting the importance of the Plant Treaty's policy support